Chapter 191 Unique_1

In the emergency room, there was another hospital bed, separated from the first by a white curtain.

Ye Qingci couldn't see clearly the person lying on the other bed, only able to make out a pair of men's feet vaguely.

Ye Qingci withdrew her gaze and saw a nurse disinfecting her elbow, inserting a thick tube; dark red blood immediately began to flow, following the tube to the other side of the curtain.

Ye Qingci knew that her blood would travel through the thick tube into another person's body, saving that person's life.

For some reason, she suddenly felt this moment to be sacred and exhilarating.

Just to give a little blood could save a person's life; she thought this was the most worthwhile thing in the world.

The blood flowed away gradually through the clear tube.

Ye Qingci felt her body getting weaker and her head increasingly dizzy, and she gradually fell asleep.

In the next hospital room, Jiang Chengyao, pale-faced, slowly opened his eyes.