Chapter 226 My Baby (1)_1

She knew Yang Qingqi enjoyed having his girlfriend's ex-boyfriends beneath his feet, so she said that deliberately to embarrass him, to give Yang Qingqi a sense of achievement.

When Qin Wanyue suggested they break up, he tried to retain her.

He told Qin Wanyue that Yang Qingqi's interest in a girlfriend never lasted more than three months; once he got bored, he would break up with his current girlfriend and look for his next target.

But Qin Wanyue arrogantly claimed that previous women failed to keep Yang Qingqi's heart because they were too foolish, while she was both smart and beautiful. She believed she could make Yang Qingqi turn over a new leaf and marry her obediently.

Luo Binghe hadn't expected that her idea of "smart" meant trampling on his dignity with her own hands to please Yang Qingqi.

This was his childhood sweetheart and girlfriend!