Chapter 250 Bashful Eyes (5)_1


"I wanted to drag my elder brother down with me. Mom and Dad always doted on him, no matter what wrong he did, they would shoulder the blame for him. She suggested that I bribe a doctor to pretend I was seriously ill and lie to my brother, claiming that only Ye Qingci's kidney could save me. As long as my brother caught Ye Qingci and she died on the operating table, my brother would be in the same boat as me. Once Ye Qingci died, that would've avenged the beatings she inflicted on me..."

"Fool!" Jiang Junsheng couldn't contain his anger, trembling with rage, he kicked her away with a foot.

How had he raised such a cruel and ruthless fool?

Not only did she want to kill his biological daughter, but she also wanted his son to do the deed!

If that day's plan had come to fruition, and one day he found out his son had killed his own daughter, wouldn't he die of anger and grief?