182 What's it like to kiss prickly lips_1

Wu Jia became vigilant, suspecting that Guo Xia's sudden friendliness was a prelude to some ulterior motive.

After being on guard all night and seeing no further moves from Guo Xia, who stayed with her colleagues continuously, Wu Jia soon stopped paying attention to her.

Having obtained the room card, Guo Xia found an excuse to leave the lawn and sent a message to President Sun declaring she had the card.

President Sun, naturally, would not have her deliver it directly; he instructed Guo Xia to place the room card under a sign near the villa he was staying in, so he could retrieve it himself.

Guo Xia did as she was told, burying the room card under the designated sign and even took a photo to send to him, to ensure he could locate it.

After completing all these tasks, Guo Xia left.