245 Choose one? _1

The Pear District was gradually coming alive as evening approached, and as the car drove down the long street, many people peered inside.

License plates that frequented this area were almost familiar to everyone, so the presence of an unfamiliar car naturally put them on high alert.

Jiang Yuan sat in the driver's seat, also disguised, feeling the unfriendly stares from those looking into the car.

He pursed his lips, observing his surroundings, even more vigilant and on guard than those covertly watching them from the street.

The car slowly moved forward, Rong Nian watching the people on both sides of the road who looked no different from ordinary people.

But the way they looked at them was sharp and guarded, like beasts lying in wait, ready to attack at any moment.

Rong Nian remembered this feeling, it was familiar, and even some images flashed through his mind.

The night was thick, and those images were all dark, either bloody or violent.