He thought he had to clean up those offending stumbling blocks as soon as possible; nothing like this could happen again. It should be known that that day, in the Situ Family's study, in front of every man from the Situ and Loo Families, he had sworn. To cherish Situ Xin for a lifetime, to dote on Situ Xin. To not allow anyone to bully Situ Xin. And definitely not to betray Situ Xin by flirting with others.
If he couldn't achieve any one of these commitments, then he could forget about marrying Situ Xin. He wouldn't even be allowed to get close to Situ Xin, and he would be severely dealt with by the men of both families.
Xiao Muli, wanting to embrace the beauty soon, had to clear up the affairs of the Xiao Family.
"Prepare this afternoon. We'll depart for the Xiao Family Old Mansion tomorrow," Xiao Muli ordered, meaning that he was ready to take action starting from the next day.