099: Threat_4

If it were otherwise, he wouldn't have been banished to such a godforsaken place.

Shi Wenli snorted softly.

Even Jiang Shaoyun thought Lu Ye liked Lin Wu.

What a joke!

Lu Ye was nice to Lin Wu because he mistook her for his life-saving benefactor. When Lu Ye realized that Lin Wu wasn't his real savior, what would Lin Wu count for then?

Lin Wu wouldn't even qualify as a passerby A.



Lin Wu woke up at six o'clock in the morning, her first act to wash up, change clothes, and then go for a run.

When she left the house, she didn't forget to drag the still-sleeping Shaliva along with her.

Shaliva was completely befuddled, meowed at Lin Wu, then reluctantly followed her footsteps.


The courtyard's running track saw the addition of two figures: a person and a cat.

Lin Wu ran ahead, while Shaliva chased behind, occasionally attempting to hide in the bushes for a snooze, only to be mercilessly pulled out by Lin Wu.

Out of options,