100: Burn high incense_6

Even though cardboard boxes can be sold for money, they aren't worth much, and taking them back requires a special trip to the recycling center, which isn't just inconvenient, it also wastes money on gas.

Upon hearing this, Lin Guixiang said with a smile, "If you don't want them, I'll take them back later."

The apartment covered more than 180 square meters, all laid with wooden flooring, and there were several dozen kilograms of cardboard boxes.

The renovation workers nodded in agreement.

Inside, they were even more stunned!

They understood less about the world of the rich now; one moment they were reserving a room for a cat, and now, they wanted to take the cardboard boxes back.

How much could those cardboard boxes be worth?

Even Zhao Cuinong was extremely surprised, "Big sister, what do you need cardboard boxes for?"

Lin Guixiang explained, "I'm taking them back for Aunt Jin, the poor old lady has it tough, still struggling out there at her age."