Chapter 3_1

Standing in front of the grand solid wood door, Qianning still took a deep breath before mustering the courage to knock. "Come in!" came the man's voice from inside. Qianning turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. It was a very large office. Orderly bookshelves flanked a huge corner black desk, behind which the man was seated. He was dressed in the same dark suit as before, but due to the air conditioning in the office, it wasn't as cool as outside. Hence, his suit jacket was draped over the back of his chair. He lifted his head and looked at Qiao Qianning with those deep, piercing eyes. Just that one glance sent a shiver through her. He pointed to a set of matching dark sofas in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and said, "Wait there for a moment." Having said that, he lowered his head to continue with the work in his hands. Qianning silently walked to the sofa and sat down. The open curtains allowed her to see the brilliant city lights outside. It was really high up here—the majority of the city laid before her eyes. She couldn't help but search for the direction of her home amidst the beautiful city. In the northwest corner, a dim area marked the location of her house. When the view outside the window could no longer captivate Qiao Qianning, she turned her attention back to the man in the room. How much longer did he plan to have her wait? Qianning took her phone out of her purse and checked the time. It was already past midnight. Fatigue overcame her, but how could she possibly sleep in such a situation? Half-leaning on the sofa, she tried to make herself comfortable, but her disobedient eyelids kept drooping down. By the time Beigong Cang finally shifted his gaze from the computer screen to the figure on the sofa, she was already fast asleep. He smiled; what a well-behaved university student—sleeping promptly after one o'clock. He stood up and approached her slowly. Standing by her side, he did not rush to fulfill the purpose of her visit today; instead, he sat down beside her, lit a cigarette for himself. Indeed, she was asleep, her fallen eyelashes covering her large, round eyes, her slightly parted lips seeming to await his taste. Last time, he had not even kissed her before he took her, completing everything. She was not beautiful, only fair, but she had smooth and delicate skin. Although not very white, she looked healthy. He extinguished the cigarette in his hand, planning to accomplish tonight's other matter—to have her bear his child. Ever since his childhood sweetheart Duoer passed away, he had decided never to love anyone again. His mother was aware of his mindset. No more love, no marriage with anyone, but as an heir to the Beigong Family, he must produce an offspring. That was why his mother found him this woman, a woman who would bear his child for money. His hand gently swept over her neck, stroking down with a magical touch. As Qianning murmured like a sleep talker, he captured her lips with his, drowning her murmurs in his mouth. Hmm... Was someone kissing her?... Who was it... Confused, Qianning suddenly woke with a start and forcefully pushed the person in front of her away. "Ah!" She let out a scream and curled up on the sofa. The man she had pushed fell to the floor from the sofa. As Beigong Cang looked at her with a slightly angry gaze, Qianning finally became sober. What had she been doing? Pushing him away—he was the one paying her. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you," Qianning said softly. She immediately squatted beside him, looking him in the eyes. Did this woman realize what she was doing? Pushing him to the ground! Heaven knows how many women long to be with him, Beigong Cang, and none of them dared to do such a thing to him! And especially not a woman he had paid for! Beigong Cang angrily pushed her onto the carpet in front of the sofa. Initially, he had thought to treat her gently, but now he reveled in the pleasure of tearing off her clothes. The night had grown very deep, so much that the small alley was silent without a single person's voice. The black car dropped Qiao Qianning off. Under the Hunan streetlights, tears were still visible in her eyes. She gently unlocked the door, and just as gently stepped inside. She didn't want to wake anyone up, but in the dark living room, a pair of eyes blazing with anger still surprised her. "Click," the light was turned on, but it was neither Qianning who turned on the light nor the owner of those eyes, but Mother Qiao, who had come out at the noise. She softly said, "Qianning is back." Then she chuckled dryly, "Go to your room and rest then." Qianning nodded faintly, turning to head towards her bedroom. "Stop right there!" The owner of the eyes bellowed, "Mom, look for yourself, see what a fine job you've done." He stepped forward, grabbed Qianning by the hand, and shoved her towards Mother Qiao. "Fantian! Keep your voice down! Your dad just went to sleep!" Mother Qiao frowned and whispered. But Qiao Fantian ignored her, continuing to yell, "Look for yourself, see what you've done to your sister?" Under the bright light, Qianning's torn sports shirt could no longer hide the bruises on her body. Her wrists, neck, and chest were dotted with bruises—some blue, some red, and some even oozing blood. These were just the visible marks; the unseen ones, like on her thighs, waist, and back, were even worse. "Alright, brother. I'm very tired; I'm going to sleep now," Qianning did not want to stay under the harsh light any longer, she hurriedly fled to her room, hiding herself in the darkness. The old house was not well insulated, and Qianning, with the bedroom door shut, could still hear her foster father's subdued weeping from the next room. She leaned against the door, took a deep breath, and told herself it was alright—if she got pregnant this month, she wouldn't have to see him again. After giving birth, everything would end. Only a year. Outside was the sound of Qiao Fantian slamming the door, followed by Mother Qiao's gentle voice outside the door, "Qianning..." It seemed there was more to say, but it remained unsaid. "Mom, I'm sleeping, let's talk tomorrow." With these words, Qianning covered her mouth and nose, stifling her sobs.