Chapter 15_1

Days slowly passed by. The feeling of winter grew ever stronger, and with the recent southbound cold air, Qianning had taken to wearing thick cotton clothes. Her once pale little face also gradually flushed with color.

Uncle Zhang steadily brought the car to a stop in front of the villa. Qianning, clutching her textbooks, stepped out of the car and entered the hallway.

The air conditioning was on in the hallway, the warmth immediately enveloping her. Laughter from the sofa to the left caught Qianning's attention.

Lady Beigong had, surprisingly, stayed home that afternoon instead of going out for beauty treatments and was sitting on the sofa, sipping flower tea with a young woman. This woman appeared to be in her twenties, her form-fitting dress accentuating her feminine charm. Although they were around the same age, Qianning's jeans and sweater just couldn't compare.