Chapter 12_1

It was just the shadow of a tree. Qianning kept telling herself this over and over again. She moved her feet slowly, heading towards the bed.

"Bang—" A loud noise, accompanied by a flash of lightning streaking across from outside the window. The terrifying tree shadow filled the room's floor like a ghostly apparition.

"Ah!" Qianning screamed loudly, panic-strickenly retreating a few steps before opening the door and rushing out. The second-floor corridor was pitch dark, and there were no lights in the hall. The entire house was engulfed in darkness. Why had nobody woken up when she screamed so loudly just now? She almost wished someone would wake up and scold her. At least then, she could feel a little less scared.

At the other end of the corridor, a faint light seemed to filter out from under the door of a room. Qianning knew it was Beigong Cang's room. These past few days the house had been empty, perhaps it was just the two of them left in the entire mansion now.