Chapter 29_1

This western restaurant is located in the city center, just a street away from the Beigong Group's office building. Therefore, it is Beigong Cang's preferred dining spot.

Just like now, during this warm winter noon, Beigong Cang sat in front of the street-facing floor-to-ceiling window, killing time over a simple lunch.

After finishing his meal, he wasn't in a hurry to return to the company across the street but instead gestured to a waiter and said, "Coffee."

For a regular like him, the waiter quickly prepared the coffee and brought it out.

But today the waiter serving the coffee was clearly not very steady, because as she set down the cup, it suddenly tipped over. The coffee inside immediately spilled over, not only staining the white tablecloth but also splashing onto Beigong Cang's pants, which he couldn't move away from in time.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," the waiter kept apologizing.