Chapter 6: I'm Leaving Right Away_1

She endured the pain in her body as she walked down. The wound from being hit yesterday was left unattended by the man, but when she looked just now, it was bandaged up. She had no idea who did it, but the pain on her knee and the rest of her body, plus the many spots where he had bitten her, made her feel like finding somewhere to lie down.

So, she walked even faster.

The maid cleaning downstairs heard the noise, turned around suddenly, and seeing her, made a faint smile, "Miss, you're awake? Do you need me to prepare breakfast for you?"

An Xiaomian was surprised that the maid would even think of preparing breakfast for her, but all she wanted to do at that moment was to leave as soon as possible; thus, she shook her head and declined, "No need to trouble yourself, I will be leaving soon."

"Oh, do you need me to see you out, Miss?" The maid's smile remained faint, clearly indicating someone had instructed her not to detain An Xiaomian.

"Thank you, but there's no need. I live just nearby." After saying this, An Xiaomian hurried out of the villa's grand gate, then outside the courtyard, onto the road, and started running even faster.

She soon disappeared at the corner up ahead.

The maid in the villa did not pursue her, but simply bowed her head and continued cleaning silently.


An Xiaomian called the hospital's emergency number on her way back, giving them her uncle's address.

Only then did she head toward her uncle's house, when she entered the An Family's courtyard, she noticed her uncle's family's villa was not open. She ignored it and went directly to the storeroom, then opened the door.

After entering, she saw a very simple setting, just an old-fashioned large bed, a desk, a chair, and some similarly old kitchen utensils.

An Xiaomian felt a shock in her heart seeing her grandmother still unconscious, hurriedly went to check her grandmother's breathing, and finding it still there, she let out a slight sigh of relief, "Grandma, don't worry, Xiao Mian will definitely find a way to save you."

Then she gathered some necessary items.

Just as she finished packing, An Xiaomian heard the sound of an ambulance outside.

She quickly ran out, welcomed the doctors, and asked several doctors and nurses to help carry her unconscious grandmother to the ambulance. Grabbing the bag she had packed earlier, she locked the door of the storeroom and rushed to the hospital with the emergency vehicle.

In the end, the doctor told An Xiaomian it was fortunate she called the emergency number in time because had they brought her grandmother in any later, it might have been too late.

The elderly woman had high blood pressure, high blood sugar, a small tumor in her stomach that was benign, and also had been suffering from long-term malnutrition. So, she had major illnesses and plenty of minor ones as well. After the surgery, she would need to recuperate and rest more. An Xiaomian paid several hundred thousand in surgical and medical fees. Once her grandmother's successful surgery was complete and she was transferred to the ward, the doctor told her the grandmother would need to stay in the hospital longer for further checks, to which An Xiaomian agreed.

Afterward, An Xiaomian withdrew some money, bought many things to nourish the body, hoping her grandmother could eat more upon waking up.

The doctors had said her grandmother had been malnourished for a long time, which she was of course aware of, as neither her grandmother nor she had jobs. Old age and youth combined with the ostracism from her uncle and aunt's family meant they naturally couldn't afford good food.

An Xiaomian had not wanted to continue schooling, preferring to go to work, but her grandmother didn't agree. Her grandmother insisted she had to finish university first.