Chapter 11: Must This Child Be Born?_1


An Xiaomian, though injected with anesthetic, had not immediately fallen asleep.

The sudden appearance of the old dean and his words.

Everything seemed odd to her since she didn't know the old dean. It was her child, and she wanted to have an abortion; his interruption was truly bizarre.

Just as she wanted to ask, she saw the old dean step aside.

Then, a man, vaguely familiar, emerged from behind the old dean.

This man was followed by four towering bodyguards clad in black, exuding a powerful presence, clearly no ordinary person.

Upon entering, he looked toward An Xiaomian and suddenly spoke, with a respectful tone, "Miss An, upon learning of your pregnancy, our young master sent me to prevent your abortion. Next, we will take you to a quiet place suitable for pregnancy preservation. As long as you safely deliver the baby in your womb, our young master shall reward you handsomely..."

At these words, the surrounding old dean, Doctor Zhang, and the nurses all showed mild surprise, not daring to speak, in utter silence.

An Xiaomian felt darkness envelop her vision. What had she just heard?

Was the child now a must to be born?

Was this man who had suddenly appeared the driver for Mr. Shangguan, and was everything he said true?

An Xiaomian didn't have time to think further, abruptly closed her eyes, and fainted.

Eagle, the driver for Shangguan Xiu and the person who had just rushed to prevent An Xiaomian's abortion, saw An Xiaomian faint and looked inquiringly at the old dean beside him.

The old dean quickly turned to Doctor Zhang.

Doctor Zhang hurriedly explained, "You see, we were just about to operate on Miss An and had just administered the anesthetic. She probably fell asleep, since I haven't started the surgery yet, so she's fine."

"Immediately check on Miss An," Eagle said, relieved after hearing Doctor Zhang's explanation.

Afterward, Doctor Zhang examined An Xiaomian and, ensuring there was nothing wrong, Eagle quickly escorted her away from the hospital.


An Xiaomian, in a daze, felt lingering at her nostrils a faint scent, like that of a medicinal fragrance.

It wasn't irritating and actually quite pleasant. At least, it seemed to reduce her nausea from the pregnancy.

She suddenly remembered the incident at the hospital, then opened her eyes wide, sat up, and hastily surveyed her surroundings and the décor.

It was a room of luxurious decoration, replete with costly furniture, a spacious interior, carved windows, silk curtains, and a soft carpet.

Including the large bed and bedding she was lying on, everything indicated that the owner of this room was both wealthy and ostentatious.

She bit her lip, exerting a little force. It hurt, indicating this was no dream.

All of it was real.

She looked down at her abdomen and even touched and pressed it, feeling for wounds. There were none; the surgery had not been performed.

Connecting this to what the driver for Mr. Shangguan had said at the hospital, she realized that she was no longer in the hospital.

And the abortion had not taken place; instead, she had been taken away to an unfamiliar place, to be well taken care of, to ensure the safe birth of the child.

At this thought, An Xiaomian felt extremely anxious and found the situation utterly absurd.

Her previous agreement to spend the night with Mr. Shangguan had indeed been degrading, but she had truly needed the money to save her grandmother at that time.

Besides, that transaction had already concluded.
