Chapter 96: If You Want to Hit Someone, Hit Her_1

An Xiaohu, though a male, was spoiled by his parents and had never been beaten. When he was hit, he suddenly cried out in Zhang Guihua's direction, "Mom, save me, I don't want to be hit, Mom, please think of a way..."

Zhang Guihua and her husband favored sons over daughters, but since the An Family usually had An Xiaomian, an outsider, around, she treated her daughter An Xiaodie rather well.

However, now that she saw her own family, especially her precious son, being beaten, Zhang Guihua immediately hugged her son and then yelled, "Husband, stop hitting them, please stop! I know the truth, I'll tell you the truth..."

Hearing Zhang Guihua say this, the bodyguards did not cease their assault.

It was a few seconds before Shangguan Xiu spoke indifferently, "Stop, let her speak!"

The bodyguards then stopped.