
Arun knew how strong Adam was; he was the most powerful man that he had ever met on this floor. So when he told him, that going to the mountains was a suicide, he really got interested in what the man had to say.

"Why going there is considered suicide?" he asked Adam in a serious tone.

Adam who had finished laughing, wiped his tears and asked him, "Boy.. What do you think that high-level adventurers do?"

He was confused by the question, "Ah.. Hunt monsters and beasts that no low-level adventurers cannot hunt. Clear the dungeons, where normal people cannot hunt,"

"Close enough," Adam sat up straight, "You already know about the evolution of monsters, right?" he nodded, "Well, you are right that we oversee the subjugation of strong beasts. But we never go on dungeon raids, because there is no need to do it. There is no dungeon in the world that a group of Silver-Rank Adventurers cannot handle. So why is there a need for Gold and Platinum Rank Adventurers?"