Levelling up

Covered in mud and blood from top to bottom, Arun was finally able to take in the air of relief, as he cleaved through the skull of the last Kong. His mana was low, as was his enthusiasm about his plan to go to the mountains. He was curious to know whether he would be able to make it up there or not, considering the journey would get considerably more difficult from here on.

He looked around, he was still in the clearing. The bodies of the monster had vanished, but the smell of blood still lingered in the air. He knew that he was not feeling tired of adrenaline, but its effect would wear off soon. And then his body would crash. He had to move fast.

With that, he moved towards the only weapon on the ground, the Wind Slicer, and picked it up.  

A Katana? A fucking katana? What the fuck am I suppose to do with this?