Familia of Athena-3

Standing beside Sonia and her other Majors, Arun observed the tense faces of everyone around him. He was not a little bit afraid, because he knew, even if this scuffle goes sideways, then he could easily use these people as meat shields of shit and run away. 

It was during that time, did he noticed that although Sonia was standing right beside him, with her eyes open and all, her eyeballs were not moving at all. He felt as if she could only use her mouth while using the skill.

To test out his theory, he waved his hand in front of her face. Other Majors of the group noticed him, but didnt say anything. And sure enough, she didnt respond to her hands.

Now it makes more sense. One of the reasons that Sonia and other Major stay in the middle of the group, is because they are vulnerable when they are using that Astral Owl skill.

Even with the Achilles heel, the skill was pretty good…