Do you want to come with me ?

The country in which I lives is called Aetherium and is ruled by two kingly conciderers: on one side the two demon queens and on the other the king and queen of the humans. Demons and humans have been living in peace for almost 100 years now, thanks to the former demon queens Zephara and Leora Cromwell.

They created a world where all species could live together but there were still a few problems but they weren't as serious as all that. One of the major problems was people seeking magical power who were prepared to do anything, even kill, to become strong and claim the throne with their power.

The world had evolved a lot and now there was a lot of technology and people no longer travelled by carriage but rather by car and this invention saw the light of day thanks to Queen Leora, Leora created others but it would take too long to list them all. But for the moment we're not interested in that. 

Three years had passed since that fateful day on the cliff edge, yet the memories still haunted me like specters in the night. But despite the pain and loss, life had found a way to continue its relentless march forward. Now, I found myself waking up peacefully in the comforting embrace of my cave, nestled deep within the heart of the forest.

Stretching languidly, I glanced around at my humble abode. The cave walls were rugged and uneven, adorned with patches of moss and lichen that glowed softly in the dim light filtering in from the entrance.

A small fire pit sat in the center, its embers still smoldering from the night before. And in the corner, curled up in a cozy nest of blankets, lay my faithful companion, my cat Cookies, his soft purrs filling the air with a sense of warmth and companionship.

Today, however, I felt a restlessness stirring within me, a longing to venture beyond the confines of my sanctuary and explore the world outside.

" Well I eat and then will went outside to find some food for later." with a determined nod, I rose from my makeshift bed and set about preparing for the day ahead.

After a quick breakfast of dried fruits and nuts, I gathered my belongings and set out into the forest, the familiar sights and sounds of the woodland greeting me like old friends. The trees whispered secrets to the wind as I made my way through the dense undergrowth, my senses keenly attuned to the rhythm of the natural world around me.

But as I reached the edge of the forest, a sense of disappointment washed over me.

" I hate it when They do that, can't they let me get some fruits." I shout angry.

The once-lush canopy of fruit trees that lined the outskirts of the village was now bare, stripped bare by the hands of greedy harvesters. With a sigh, I resigned myself to the inevitable and began the trek toward the village, my footsteps echoing in the quiet stillness of the morning.

The village emerged from the trees like a mirage in the desert, its quaint cottages and bustling marketplace a stark contrast to the untamed wilderness that surrounded it. As I made my way through the winding streets, I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the life I had once known, for the sense of belonging that had been ripped away from me in an instant.

But there was no time for dwelling on the past, not when survival hung in the balance. With a determined stride, I set about my task, weaving through the crowded streets in search of sustenance.

It wasn't long before I spotted what I was looking for: a merchant hawking fresh produce from a rickety wooden stall.

As I approached, my eyes flickered with a mixture of hunger and anticipation. But just as I reached out to grab a ripe apple from the pile, a voice rang out behind me.

"Hey, you there! What do you think you're doing?"

Startled, I spun around to find myself face to face with the stern gaze of the merchant, his arms crossed over his chest in a gesture of defiance.

As I turned to face the stern gaze of the merchant, my heart raced with fear and uncertainty. Before I could even stutter a response, a surge of panic gripped me, and I instinctively turned on my heel, bolting away from the scene.

My feet pounded against the cobblestone streets as I sprinted through the winding alleys of the village, desperation lending wings to my heels. But my efforts were in vain as I heard the shout of the merchant echoing behind me, followed by the heavy thud of boots hitting the ground in pursuit.

" Stop there little demon." said one of the guards.

The guards were after me now, their authoritative voices barking orders to halt. But I couldn't stop, not when freedom lay just beyond my grasp. I pushed myself harder, weaving through the labyrinth of streets with a single-minded determination.

Suddenly, as I rounded a corner, I collided with someone, stumbling backward with a gasp of surprise. My eyes widened in shock as I took in the figure before me, a demon woman with a commanding presence, her eyes flashing with curiosity and intrigue.

Her skin, porcelain pale, seemed to absorb the very essence of the room. But it was her eyes that held me captive—two obsidian pools, devoid of warmth or humanity. They bore into my soul, unraveling secrets I dared not acknowledge.

Her gown was a masterpiece—a tapestry woven from moonlight and shadow. The fabric clung to her curves, accentuating every sinuous movement. Emeralds and sapphires adorned her décolletage, winking like fallen stars. The train trailed behind her, leaving a trail of stardust in its wake.

" That woman is weird who would wear that kind of clothes here." I thought before continuing to look at her

Her hair cascaded down her back, a verdant waterfall of emerald strands. Each lock seemed to writhe independently, as if harboring a life force of its own. And there, atop her alabaster forehead, were the horns. Black as midnight, they spiraled upward, defying gravity and reason. They were not mere adornments; they were weapons, symbols of her otherworldly lineage.

Before I could utter an apology, the sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears, and I knew that the guards were closing in. Panic surged within me once more, but to my astonishment, the woman stepped forward, placing herself between me and the approaching guards.

"What's the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice laced with authority as she turned to face the guards.

The guards, taken aback by her sudden intervention, hesitated for a moment before one of them spoke up. "This girl was attempting to steal from the merchant," he explained, his tone accusatory.

But the woman merely raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "Is that so?" she mused, her gaze flickering to me for a brief moment.

Before the guards could respond, she turned back to me, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "You're hungry, aren't you?" she asked softly, her voice filled with empathy.

I nodded silently, unable to tear my gaze away from her mesmerizing presence.

Without another word, she took my hand in hers, leading me back to where the merchant stood, his expression a mix of indignation and surprise. With a graceful gesture, she reached into a pouch at her waist, withdrawing a handful of coins and placing them on the counter before him.

"There," she said simply, her voice leaving no room for argument.

Once the transaction was complete, she turned her attention back to me, her eyes searching mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "What's your name?" she inquired gently.

"Aurelia," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

Her smile widened at my response, and for a moment, there was a spark of something indefinable in her eyes. "Aurelia," she repeated, as if testing the sound of it on her tongue.

Then, without warning, she extended her hand toward me once more, her gaze unwavering. "Do you want to come with me, Aurelia?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.