The laboratory

The morning light crept through the curtains, casting a golden hue across the room, but I, had no desire to greet it. The thought of the laboratory and its ludicrous purpose soured my mood further. I burrowed deeper into the covers, wishing for the world and its expectations to vanish. But then, a voice, crisp and clear, cut through the silence.

"Wake up, Aurelia, today we got some strawberries."

The mention of strawberries acted like a charm, dispelling the heaviness that clung to my limbs. I sprung from the bed with an eagerness that surprised even me. The bathroom welcomed me with its pristine tiles and the promise of refreshment.

I let the water cascade over me, washing away the remnants of sleep and reluctance. Teeth brushed and hair tamed, I slipped into my attire, a simple ensemble that spoke of comfort rather than formality.