
A wary glance passed between Lydia and me as the woman's sly smile seemed to widen, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. The tension in the room was palpable as she proposed her deal.

"I propose a deal," she said, her voice smooth and honeyed, carrying an undertone of mischief that set my nerves on edge.

My fingers twitched instinctively, reminding me of the sword at my side, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. Lydia, too, seemed to sense the gravity of the situation, her grip tightening around her weapon's hilt.

"It depends on what it is," Lydia replied, her tone firm and resolute, betraying none of the apprehension that flickered in her eyes.

"Well, if you agree to pay off my debts, I'll gladly give it to you," the woman stated, her gaze flickering between us, her expression masking any hint of desperation or deceit.