It's time to go home

The next morning, I awoke with the first rays of the sun, my determination to leave palpable in the air. The living room was already prepared, my belongings neatly arranged and waiting for departure. As I heard the soft steps descending the stairs, I turned to see the familiar figure of the sexy grandmother.

"You're awake already," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Yes, I'm really in a hurry to leave," I replied, a genuine smile gracing my lips.

She sighed softly, her expression a mixture of understanding and sadness, before reaching the bottom of the stairs. "It's still early, Aurelia, so just relax a bit and you can leave," she advised, disappearing into the kitchen, likely to prepare breakfast.

I followed her suggestion and settled into a chair, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions inside me. Twenty minutes later, Lydia made her appearance, still looking a little tired from the previous night's events.