You have to feed

"When are the meetings going to end?" I leaned back in my leather chair, glaring at my advisor, Jade. Alice sat beside her, a silent presence but one that seemed to carry weight. Alice was a demon captain and I always loved to spar with her, she was so strong.

After leaving Lydia two week ago, I found myself pulled into endless meetings, all of which could have easily waited. By the time I wrapped them up, the sun had already risen. I had considered going to Lydia, but I assumed she would be resting. What I would have said to her, I had no clue.

A sharp pain sliced through my stomach, and I inhaled sharply, trying to push it down. The twinges were becoming more frequent, the intensity worsening. Opening my eyes, I found Jade and Alice staring at me. Nothing seemed to escape their notice.

"When was the last time you had a proper feeding?" Alice's voice cut through the air, devoid of emotion, yet filled with concern. Jade's eyes reflected the same worry.