I booked the whole park for the day

As the SUV came to a gentle stop, I could hardly contain my curiosity. Aurelia stepped out first, offering me her hand with a grace that seemed at odds with our tumultuous past. I accepted it, allowing her to guide me out into the fresh air.

The park that unfolded before us was like a scene from a fairytale. Lush green lawns stretched out in every direction, dotted with vibrant flower beds and majestic trees whose leaves whispered in the gentle breeze.

A serene lake mirrored the clear blue sky, with swans gliding gracefully across its surface. The tranquility of the place was palpable, a stark contrast to the chaos of our usual encounters. Aurelia led me down a winding path lined with blooming roses, their fragrance enveloping us.

We arrived at a secluded spot where a checkered tablecloth was spread under the shade of a willow tree, a wicker basket sitting atop it.