We have to find her

The sight of the demon killer slipping into the shadows made my blood boil. All the anticipation, the tension—it ignited a firestorm within me. 

"Dammit!" I hissed, my fingers tightening around the hilt of my dagger. "We were so close."

Lise put a calming hand on my arm, but I could feel the cold of her ice magic seeping through my sleeve, a reminder of the calm I needed to maintain. "Aurelia, we need to stay focused. Losing our temper won't help us find her."

"Focused?" I echoed, my voice rising. "I'm beyond focused, Lise. This ends now."

Without waiting for her response, I felt the power surge through me, the familiar heat of my black fire magic pooling in my chest. I thrust my hands forward, the dark flames erupting from my palms, consuming the ruins in a searing blaze. The ancient stones glowed red, then crumbled to ash under the intense heat.