You both did well

Eileen and I sat in the cave, sharing a modest meal. The dim light of our small fire cast flickering shadows on the walls, and the warmth was a welcome respite from the chill of the underground.

"We need to find Lise and Aurelia," Eileen said, breaking the silence. Her eyes were intense, a mixture of concern and determination.

I nodded, swallowing the last of my food. "You're right. They've been gone too long."

Eileen's gaze turned distant, as if she were seeing something beyond the cave walls. "I can sense Lise's position. I don't know how, but I can."

I blinked, surprised but not questioning the gift. "Then we finish eating and get ready. We might be walking into a dangerous situation."

We quickly packed up, dousing the fire and checking our gear. Eileen led the way, her steps confident and sure. As we navigated the winding paths of the cave, my mind raced with worry. I didn't understand how Eileen could sense Lise, but I was grateful for it.