It was a trap

As the demon killer emerged from the shadows, Jade and I sprang into action. We dashed forward, our footsteps muffled by the forest floor, closing the distance between us and our elusive target.

The demon killer moved with an otherworldly grace, her movements fluid and effortless. It was as if she was gliding over the ground, her speed unnaturally fast.

"Stay close," I called out to Jade, my voice low and urgent. "We can't let her get away."

Jade nodded, her eyes locked on our quarry. Despite the urgency of the situation, there was a steely determination in her gaze. We had faced formidable foes before, and we would face this one together.

We pursued the demon killer through the dense undergrowth, dodging branches and leaping over fallen logs. She was always just ahead of us, her dark silhouette flitting between the trees like a shadow. It was frustratingly difficult to keep up with her, her speed far surpassing anything we had encountered before.