This is just the beginning

The battlefield was a landscape of chaos and despair, but my eyes were fixed on one scene that was impossible to ignore. The demon princess had just vanished into the darkness, leaving behind the lifeless body of Jade and a heartbroken Riley. 

I stood in shock, my mind struggling to process the brutality I had just witnessed. The air still crackled with the residual energy of the demon princess's dark magic. It felt like time had slowed, and the sounds of the battlefield faded into a dull roar in the background. 

Riley crumbled to her knees beside Jade, tears streaming down her face. Her sobs were quiet, yet each one seemed to echo loudly in my ears. It was heartbreaking to see her in such pain, and I felt an overwhelming urge to comfort her. I took a tentative step forward, my heart aching with empathy.

"Riley..." I began, my voice soft and trembling. I reached out a hand to her, wanting to offer some solace, some warmth in this cold, unforgiving place.