I was to be queen

Everything felt like it was falling apart. As we made our way back to Aurelia's castle, I lagged behind, my feet dragging on the ground, every step heavier than the last. The victory over the demon killer felt hollow, a shallow triumph overshadowed by the chasm that had opened between Aurelia and me.

The love we once shared was now tainted by betrayal and loss, and I couldn't see a way to mend it.

I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. My mind kept replaying the moment when Aurelia had turned away from me, the look in her eyes a mixture of heartbreak and resignation. It was a look that would haunt me forever.

Lise and Eileen walked ahead, their conversation a low murmur I couldn't quite catch. I knew they were relieved that the battle was over, but I couldn't share their sense of accomplishment. My heart was too heavy with the knowledge of what I had done, and what I had lost.