Riley trial

The grand hall of the Demon Court was an imposing sight, its vast space filled with the somber weight of judgment. The air was thick with tension as demons and a few humans gathered to witness the trial.

Massive pillars, adorned with intricate carvings of ancient demon lore, loomed over us, their shadows stretching across the polished stone floor. I stood near the back, trying to blend in with the crowd, my heart heavy with the gravity of the situation.

"Let the trial of Riley begin," the demon judge proclaimed, his voice echoing through the hall. His eyes, cold and unyielding, scanned the room before settling on Riley, who stood in the center, bound and defiant.

Riley was accused of aiding Jade, a demon who had betrayed her kin by assisting the demon killer. The consequences of her actions had been devastating, and now she was to face the wrath of the Demon Court.