I'm coming for you

I arrived at the eastern province just before dawn, my cloak wrapped tightly around me to disguise my identity. The landscape was as desolate as I'd expected, with dry, cracked earth stretching as far as the eye could see.

The few villagers I saw moved with a weary resignation, their clothes tattered and their faces gaunt. It was clear they were suffering.

I found a spot near the castle where I could observe without being seen. The castle itself was an imposing structure, its dark stone walls a stark contrast to the barren land around it. From my vantage point, I could see the opulence that lay within.

While the people outside struggled to survive, the castle's inhabitants seemed to live in relative luxury.

As I watched, I saw King Darius and Queen Elara in one of the grand rooms, their conversation carrying through the open windows. I moved closer, careful to remain hidden in the shadows.