Chapter 2:  In the Grip of Fear  


             (Note: 2 days, 23 hours until the ritual begins)

In the suffocating confines of the dimly lit cell, Aryan's voice trembled with disbelief as he uttered words heavy with betrayal.

 "I still can't believe our parents sold us to save themselves." 

The weight of the revelation hung in the air, casting a profound darkness over the trio as they huddled together in their shared anguish.

Varsha, her eyes reflecting a mix of hurt and confusion, nodded slowly, struggling to come to terms with the unfathomable truth. The cold reality of parental betrayal gnawed at the core of their familial bonds, leaving a bitter taste in their mouths.

The oppressive air in the cell seemed to amplify the emotional gravity of the moment. The flickering light cast fleeting shadows on faces marked by sorrow, resentment, and the silent acknowledgment of a shared plight. In the midst of their collective pain, an unspoken bond formed, forged by the harsh truth they had been forced to confront together.

As the weight of their parents' decision settled upon them, the cell became a crucible for emotions—a place where the foundation of their familial ties cracked, leaving room for an uncertain future. The echoes of betrayal reverberated through the cramped space, binding the trio in a shared sorrow that transcended the physical confines of their cell.

Varsha stands up and sees outside the cell there is no one around and she sits and asks their siblings to sit in front of them 

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who put you guys in danger Please forgive your elder sister."

 Neha holds her hand " it was never your mistake; we still believe in you and I know for a reason you'll come up with something to save us."

 For that, Aaryan replies, " what about our parents, I don't think they'll just agree to help us get out of here."

 Neha slaps Aaryan, " do you think they will betray us like that? They are acting like this to save us." 

for that, Varsha gets shocked: " what made you think like that? They clearly dideven hint that they were acting." 

Neha then says, "I saw dad's hand shackling when he was talking; he only does that when he's lying something or have some fear , so he was definitely lying when he said we have to die."

 Varsha then takes a deep breath "for a second, I thought I got betrayed by my own parents, How silly am I, Let us go according to their plan and get out of this hell."

 All three joined hands and said, "we can do it."


(note: 2 days, 11 hours until the ritual begins.)

In the hushed darkness of the cell, Varsha sat in quiet contemplation as the weight of their predicament bore down on her. The dim glow from a solitary bulb cast a somber atmosphere, accentuating the somber thoughts that clouded her mind.


As the clock struck 11, Varsha's mind churned with plans for escape and the desperate desire to free herself and her siblings from the clutches of their captors. Neha and Aaryan, oblivious to their carefree slumber, found solace in the trust they placed in their elder sister.

Suddenly, Varsha's sharp eyes detected movement—a silhouette draped in a long cloth approaching the cell. Suspicion gripped her as fear rippled through her veins. Uncertain of the stranger's intentions, she hesitated, guarding herself against the potential threat.


The mysterious figure gestured for Varsha to approach, their features hidden beneath the concealing fabric. In her fearful uncertainty, Varsha resisted, shaking her head in refusal. With a sense of urgency, the figure lifted the cloth, revealing a face that was both familiar and unexpected—her mother.


The shock of recognition flickered across Varsha's face, emotions caught in the delicate balance between relief and disbelief. Her mother's eyes bore the weight of shared anguish, and with a silent nod, Varsha moved towards the cell's edge, bridging the emotional chasm that had separated them. In this brief, poignant moment, the reality of their dire circumstances collided with the bittersweet reunion, leaving an indelible mark on the fragile threads that bound this fractured family.

Varsha started crying and comes near her. " mom, mom , what the hell is happening? Please get us out of here , I don't want to stay here anymore." 

Ananya gently held her hand and touched her head, tracing the wounds on her face. "Don't worry, my dear," 

she reassured, "we didn't have any other choice in that moment. If we had protested, they would have captured us too. That's why we are behaving this way."

 Varsha holds her tightly through the cell. " mom , how are we going to get out of here? There's no way we can run away from this island without any ship or boat." 

Ananya smiles to her question and says, " I know, dear , we are literally caught up in a lion's den but we are going to get out here somehow , I promise you, your dad's not someone who'll give up so easily; trust me, everything's going to be okay."

Varsha's mother, after a fleeting reunion, gently withdrew her hands and obscured her face once again with the concealing cloth, disappearing into the shadows. Relief washed over Varsha, a fleeting comfort in the knowledge that her parents were working to save them. The cell, once suffused with uncertainty, now held a glimmer of hope.

Exhaustion gripped Varsha; her body and mind were fatigued from the ordeal endured over the past 36 hours. The weight of responsibility momentarily lifted as she staggered towards Neha and Aaryan, collapsing beside them in a gesture of quiet surrender. The dim light revealed the weariness etched across her face, a stark contrast to the fleeting relief that had momentarily alleviated her fears.


The cell, now shrouded in an eerie calm, cradled the siblings in the stillness of the night. Varsha, the silent guardian, succumbed to the relentless pull of exhaustion, closing her eyes as sleep claimed her. The air hung heavy with the weight of uncertainty, but in that moment, amidst the darkness, the siblings found solace in the simple act of being together, their fates intertwined in the uncertain tapestry of the night.


(Note: 1 day, 2 hours until the ritual begins.)


"Ahhhhha, are our parents planning something to save us?" Aaryan screams in terrified voice 

Varsha comes and hugs him. "need not to worry; they'll do something." 

all three are sitting calmly waiting for their parents to save them, Varsha sees that old geezer whom she stabbed in the eye sitting near a tree at some distance , he was watching her as his saliva was coming out of his mouth,  she gets a shiver as she sees him , 

Neha turns towards Varsha "is he still alive, how the fuck did they treat his right eye" 

Aaryan runs toward the cell door and looks at him " maybe some ayurvedhic, his right eye is surrounded with some green leaves" 

Varsha 's takes a deep breathe " let's just ignore him and think about what has to be done" 

Neha looks at Varsha and asks, "do you think our parents will be able to save us, Let's think practically there's no way they can slip through these many people to make us escape." 

Varsha hugs Neha. "let's just put our hope in them; they will do something." 

as they were having conversation, all of a sudden a village elder comes near the cell and said, "hello my dear children, are our people looking after you nicely?" 

Varsha takes up some courage and says, "we are really glad that we are in your care, Mr. Baldie." 

the elder comes near the cell and starts whispering, "Oh, how amusing, my dear You don't have that fear which you had yesterday, Is it that your little mommy will come and save you?"

 Varsha's hands starts to tremble and she started saying, "she sold us to you; why the hell would she come to help us again?" 

for that village elder smiles in an evil way: "there's no way a mother will abandon her children; heh,  I have already taken precaution, there's no other way you have to die tomorrow, dear."

 Varsha couldn't believe what she just heard She's just like open book showed her fear in front of that elder, then he grabs her shirt collar and drags near him

 "Gabimaru, this is name of the person who will decapitate tomorrow and guess what that would be? Hehehhe. I want to see your face when I chop off your head , I'd love to feel you , my dear." 

and pushes her away and with an evil smile, he walks away, saying "you guys really have worst luck getting stuck in our village out of all".

Aaryan puts his hands on head and says, "that's all, I know, I know that there's no fucking way we can escape our deaths tomorrow; we all are going to die tomorrow."

Neha holds Aaryan's hands. "don't you worry, my little brother, I will save you somehow." 

and she turns around Varsha. "sis, we don't have much choice now; we have to make a decision: either we all die tomorrow or we three escape somehow."

Varsha's eyes, ablaze with a mix of frustration and disbelief, bore into Neha's. The air between them crackled with tension as she snapped, "Are you suggesting I abandon our parents? Sorry, that's not going to happen." The words hung in the stifling silence, each syllable weighed down by the emotional turmoil that surged within Varsha.

Her hands clenched into fists, and the tremor in her voice betrayed the storm of conflicting emotions within her. "After everything we've been through, you think I'd just give up on them?" Varsha's eyes, once filled with weariness, now sparkled with determination. The unspoken bond of family loyalty radiated through her words, cutting through the turbulent air like a resolute declaration.

The gravity of their situation hung heavily in the charged atmosphere, but Varsha's resolve remained unyielding. The emotional weight of the words lingered, underscoring the depth of her commitment to their family, a commitment that transcended the dire circumstances that surrounded them.

Neha, sensing the palpable tension, cautiously approached Varsha and settled beside her. Her voice, softer now, carried a mix of concern and reason as she implored, "Just think it over, Varsha. They want us for some ritual, not Mom and Dad. If we escape, we can find help from outside and save them. It's what they would want us to do. Staying here and dying needlessly... I don't think Mom can ever forgive herself."


Varsha, caught in the tumult of conflicting emotions, furrowed her brow, contemplating Neha's words. The weight of the decision pressed upon her as she mused, "What you're saying makes sense, Neha, but how are we going to cross this island and get help to save our parents?" The vulnerability in her voice betrayed the fear and uncertainty that gripped her.



The sisters sat together, enveloped in the suffocating reality of their predicament. Neha's plea echoed through the dimly lit cell, tugging at the delicate threads of familial ties, while Varsha grappled with the daunting task that lay ahead. Emotions lingered, tangled in the unspoken connection that bound them, as they faced the harrowing choice between escape and the desperate hope of saving their parents.

Neha said with a smirk on her face, " do you remember when Gabimaru that old geezer said that we got stuck in the worst village out of all, so that means there are some other villages in this island which may be better than these people, We'll go and ask their help."

 Varsha is shocked by her observing skills. " hmm , you are brilliant, Neha , but before that, how are we supposed to escape from this cell?"

 Neha looking at outside and says, "Well, I do have one, but I need your cooperation." Varsha, seeing at that half-blind guy, said, " you really think it will work." 

Neha asks Varsha to whisper the idea,Well, that's the plan What do you think?" 

Varsha looking at Neha in a vigorous look and asking, " where do you get these ideas?" 

Neha proudly said, "Well, I'm born with talents. I can't help it, That apart, what about a weapon?" 

Varsha puts her hands inside her pocket and says, "hmm , leave that part to me."


(note: 00 days, 08 hours till the ritual begins)


Its mid-night , Varsha and Neha get up to work on their plan.

 Neha looks at Aaryan and says, " can you close your eyes for a minute, bro?" 

Varsha starts stripping her clothes and hand waves at that old man who's filled with lust in his one eye. He starts walking towards her and with his full force, he starts running and comes and rushes to touch her, He tries to touch her but couldn't due to the door. He drools as he sees her naked. His legs starts bleed as he is running and rushing towards her. 

Varsha gestures him and says, "you want to touch me? Here I am!!!!." 

he then couldn't control what he was seeing.

 He takes a rock and starts hitting the lock of that door. The more he sees that body, the harder he hits the lock, and after trying for some time, he finally breaks the lock as he rushes to touch her Varsha stabs him with the same pendent she stabbed before but this time to his throat. She continues to stab him four to five times in the same spot as he bleeds, then starts to put on her clothes. Her face is filled with blood.

her hands is shivering as she's killing a person and as she sees him struggling for his life holding his neck, Aaryan doesn't want her sister to become a murderer. he takes a big rock and hits him as hard as possible. His brain splatters outside and another eyeball comes out. His teeth scatters around the room. 

Varsha holds Aaryan tightly. " that's it; he died Let's get out of here."

 His head is smashed and his body was butt-naked as they all see downwards His penis was covered with metal armor and was locked .

Neha seeing at Aaryan and asking, " can you try removing that metal guard?" 

Aaryan with a sarcastic face "really, you want to see his thing right now." 

Neha hits his head and says, "the fuck , I wanna see why they have closed that part. It has some small holes so I think he urinates through it, but what's the reason of doing this???"

 Varsha peeks outside " common guys, we don't have time for this; let us get out of here." 

The siblings, fueled by a shared determination to escape the grim fate awaiting them, broke into a run through the dense forest. The village, nestled on the coastal side, served as a foreboding backdrop as they ventured deeper into the labyrinth of trees.


The forest, shrouded in an inky blackness broken only by slivers of moonlight filtering through the dense canopy, concealed the path ahead. The rustle of leaves and the haunting calls of nocturnal creatures heightened the sense of urgency that drove Varsha, Neha, and Aaryan forward.

As they sprinted through the wilderness, the realization struck that the coastal village was just one ominous outpost. The forest, a mysterious expanse, held the potential for both refuge and peril. The siblings navigated through the shadowy maze, driven by the hope of discovering other villages within the vast darkness and seeking allies in their desperate bid for freedom.

Their breaths mingled with the cool night air as they pressed on, the forest unfolding before them like an enigmatic tapestry of survival. Each step carried them further into the unknown, their quest for help and salvation echoing through the ancient woods, haunted by the unseen perils that lurked in the depths of the night.

Under the shroud of the night, the siblings cautiously traversed the edges of the village, silent shadows against the haunting backdrop. In the distance, an ominous glow marked the heart of the settlement, where a colossal fire flickered, casting grotesque shadows that danced like malevolent spirits. Eerie noises emanated from the village center, a cacophony of unsettling rituals that sent shivers down their spines.


Luck seemed to favor them, as the prison, their nightmarish confinement, lay almost at the village's edge. With desperation propelling them forward, they sprinted with hearts pounding, the village sounds fading into the night. The village, cloaked in darkness, revealed glimpses of twisted trees and skeletal remnants—ominous silhouettes that heightened the sense of foreboding.

As they ran, the oppressive silence of the night became punctuated by the cacophony of their own breaths. The dense darkness seemed to swallow them whole, leaving only the disconcerting sounds of slithering snakes and haunting owl calls in its wake. Large trees loomed like spectral sentinels, casting sinister shadows that played tricks on their terrified minds.

After what felt like an eternity, they halted, the abrupt cessation of their frantic sprint leaving them in a chilling silence. They exchanged apprehensive glances, the realization sinking in that they were now engulfed in an unfamiliar and horrifying world. The unsettling atmosphere clung to them like a spectral presence as they resumed their journey, each step accompanied by the haunting echoes of their own breaths, the nocturnal symphony, and the palpable fear that lingered in the air.

Neha was too tired to walk after one hour. " let s take some rest; I can't walk anymore." 

Aaryan looks at her and says, " the moment they get to know that we are not there in the prison, we are fucked up, they are forest people; they can easily catch up to us in mere minutes, come- on, lift your ass up, I'll carry you."

In the encompassing darkness, Aaryan took on the burden of carrying Neha, his sister's weight cradled in his arms as they moved through the labyrinth of shadows. The siblings, bound by a shared determination to escape the horrors that pursued them, pressed forward in the eerie silence of the night.

Varsha, walking behind them, clutched a knife she had retrieved from the skeletal remains that adorned the forest. The cold steel served as both a symbol of desperate empowerment and a stark reminder of the unforgiving reality they faced. Her eyes, reflecting a mix of fear and resolve, flickered in the dim moonlight as she forged ahead.

In this somber procession, each step resonated with the weight of their shared plight. Aaryan, carrying Neha, bore the physical burden, while Varsha, wielding the knife, became the silent guardian, both weapon and protector against the unknown that lurked in the shadows.

The forest, laden with haunting secrets and skeletal remnants, bore witness to this poignant journey. Unspoken emotions echoed through the darkness—the silent struggles, the unyielding resolve, and the fragile threads of familial love that bound them together in their desperate flight. The knife in Varsha's grip mirrored their determination to face the horrors ahead, and the shared burdens of physical and emotional weight carved a deep, emotional resonance in the chilling silence of the night.

As the siblings trudged through the oppressive night, the persistent drum sounds from the distant village echoed like a malevolent heartbeat, amplifying the tension in the air. With every "dak dak dak dak," their hearts pounded in sync, mirroring the ominous rhythm that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the forest.

The relentless drumming fueled an unspoken urgency within them, propelling them to walk faster in an attempt to escape the haunting cadence that clung to the shadows. Three hours passed, yet the drum sounds persisted, a disconcerting backdrop that refused to release its grip on their senses.

In the disquieting silence, a sudden sound shattered the night—a sharp crack that sliced through the ominous drumming. Startled, the siblings froze in their tracks, exchanging anxious glances. The air hung heavy with anticipation, and then, as if in response, a firecracker burst in the northeast direction, its fiery illumination casting eerie shadows that danced on the trees.

As the firecracker exploded, an unsettling silence descended, abruptly halting the drum sounds that had tormented them for hours. The abrupt cessation added a layer of unreality to the already eerie night, leaving the siblings standing in the disconcerting quiet of the forest. The oppressive stillness that followed seemed to hold its breath, as if the very heart of the forest had momentarily ceased its haunting beat. The sudden silence was more unsettling than the drumming itself, casting an otherworldly and chilling atmosphere over the darkened woods.

Varsha, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and hope, turned to face Neha and Aaryan. "Let's go in the direction where the firecracker went. I believe Mom sent it to help us," she urged, a subtle certainty in her voice cutting through the lingering uncertainty of the forest.

Neha, her face etched with confusion and skepticism, voiced her concerns. "How can you be so sure? 

Maybe it's a trap," she questioned.

 the weight of apprehension hanging in the air. The forest, cloaked in shadows, seemed to amplify the sense of vulnerability as they grappled with the ambiguity of their situation.

Varsha, with a solemn gaze, responded, "I can't explain it, but it felt like a signal. We have to take the chance. If there's even a glimmer of hope, we can't afford to ignore it." 

Her words resonated with a quiet determination, a fragile thread of trust that they desperately clung to in the face of the unknown. The siblings, bound by a shared struggle and familial ties, stood at the precipice of a decision that could either lead them to salvation or plunge them deeper into the ominous abyss of the forest.

Varsha then says, " if it was a trap, then it would have gone near the sea side or somewhere near that village, but this is completely in the opposite direction, my guts are telling me to go in this direction, please trust me on this."

 Neha and Aaryan nod their heads and all three starts to head in the direction where the fire cracker went. "the villagers will also be coming in the same way to capture us, it's a race of time whether we reach village first or they catch us first, give your full energy as your life depends on it," says Varsha as they run.

 They can hear some whistle sounds as they run , It was clearly the villagers who were signaling as they ran. These three didn't have much time; they may get caught at any given time , As they run, they see each other's faces filled with fear. They don't know whether the path they are going down is right or wrong. It was just their intuition that was making them go in that direction, and the trust they kept in their parents. Suddenly, an arrow hits the tree in front of Aaryan. Though it was aimed at Aaryan, it missed, In distance, there's a voice coming 

"they are here faster." 

another voice says, "we only need that one girl alive kill the other two." 

Varsha screaming, "I can see a fire in some distance , faster go go go go; if we can't make it, we are done." 

they rush towards that light, not knowing whether it's a bright light which will save them or a dark light that devours them. They almost reach it, and in a visible distance, they can see big doors made out wood and fence coverings. They instantly go to know that it was another village. 

Suddenly, an arrow comes and hits Aaryan's knee, He couldn't run and the blood is all over the place. The arrow is stuck between his knees; he couldn't move it forward or backward Another arrow comes and hits through his ass. He falls forward. The moment he fell, the arrow in his knee got broken, and some part remained inside his knee. He started screaming loudly


Varsha and Neha hold both of his hands and drag him. 

They almost reached the village. Suddenly, an axe comes in force and cuts down Neha's right leg. Blood starts flowing like a river. They all fell. Neha starts screaming and crying as she sees her cut leg right in front of her. Varsha tears her cloth to cover Neha's leg. The next moment they lift their eyes, three villagers who were chasing them are standing in front of them.

one with an axe in his hands, the other two with knife and a dragger, and one is sitting on a tree holding bow and arrow. 

the man with the axe says, "How you going to run now, bitch, hahhhhha?" 

Varsha holds Aaryan and Neha and joins her hands together, saying, "please let us go, What have we ever done to you?, please, haaaann,haaaann" and starts crying. 

the man with the axe looks at the man with dragger and says,

"kill these two and let's get this girl back to village." 

they were referring to Varsha , Varsha starts screaming,

" if you want me , I'll gladly come with you , but please don't kill these guys. Please, please I beg you , please." 

With cold eyes, the man with dragger holds Neha's hair and lifts her up. With one leg cut off, the blood starts rushing out of her body, He goes near Neha's ear and whispers, "should I cut your other leg first or you want me to kill you with no pain, I'll rip through your heart in no time." 

Neha couldn't talk due to the pain, even though she mustered up some energy 

"Please kill me if you want to; just leave those two." 

the guy with the bow says, " fucking family sentiment, just kill them already, you rock head." 

the guy with dragger " what's there in having a little fun, Let me cut her throat Always expect the unexpected." 

Aaryan has lost conciseness and Varsha is screaming to not to kill her as he goes to cut the throat of Neha. 

a sudden impact jolted the ground in front of them. A mysterious figure materialized, the sharp jawline casting an imposing silhouette in the dim moonlight. The forest seemed to hold its breath as the enigmatic stranger stepped forward.

"Don't you dare do anything to them. These people are already under our village's territory." 

a commanding voice echoed through the darkness. The stranger, their face still veiled in shadows, stood like an imposing guardian, a defender emerging from the depths of the night.

The siblings, momentarily frozen, watched as the figure asserted their authority with a dramatic entrance. The air crackled with tension, uncertainty, and a touch of newfound hope. The forest, once a realm of haunting mysteries, now bore witness to the emergence of an unexpected protector.

The stranger's presence, shrouded in the mystique of the night, marked a turning point in the siblings' perilous journey. The dramatic hero entrance seemed to defy the very fabric of the ominous forest, introducing an element of resilience and guardianship that had, until now, remained elusive in their harrowing quest for escape.

the guy with axe looks at him and says, " saving them is as equal to picking a fight with our village, Don't you dare. Hehe. Just close your eyes and pretend you have not seen anything. We'll finish up and get out of here in 2 minutes."

The courageous stranger, undeterred by the imposing figure's warning, stood up with a resolute determination. With unwavering courage, they declared, "I don't give a damn if I'm picking a fight with your village. If you people don't leave at once, no one will go home alive."

The forest, silent and tense, absorbed the weight of the challenge that hung in the air. The confrontation between the mysterious figures sparked a palpable sense of impending conflict, each word resonating with the gravity of a battle about to unfold.

The villagers, initially brimming with an air of dominance, now faced an unexpected resistance that threatened to shift the balance of power. The dramatic tension swirled through the moonlit clearing as the threat of an imminent clash echoed through the chilling night air. The forest, a silent spectator to the unfolding drama, held its breath as the fate of the siblings and the enigmatic defenders teetered on the brink of confrontation.

The man with the dagger dropped Neha to the forest floor with a mocking smirk. "It seems like luck is on your side, but don't worry. You will come to our village searching for your dear parents. They're not getting away easily for helping you guys direct to this village," he sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence. The ominous laughter that followed sent shivers down the spines of the siblings as the foreboding threat of retribution hung heavy in the air.

The night seemed to close in around them as the man's cruel words reverberated through the darkened forest. The flickering shadows cast by the moonlight added an eerie dimension to the unfolding confrontation, amplifying the chilling certainty that their escape had only served to deepen the web of peril surrounding them. The fate of the siblings, intertwined with the mysterious defenders and the ominous villagers, hung in a precarious balance as the night absorbed the ominous proclamation and the forest held its breath in the face of impending danger.

As the tense confrontation subsided, the courageous stranger approached the siblings with a concerned expression. "Are you guys alright? I don't think so. Let us go inside the village," the villager suggested, a genuine worry etched on their face.

As Varsha's eyes met his, a surge of emotions overwhelmed her. Her heart pounded, and her hands trembled with an inexplicable mixture of fear and attraction. The stranger, with his warm hands wrapping around her, seemed to cast a protective shield around her fragile world.

In that moment, Varsha felt an unfamiliar sensation—a stirring of emotions she never believed in. Love at first sight, a concept she dismissed, now unfolded before her eyes. The more she gazed into his eyes, the more she found herself falling for him—a whirlwind of emotions that left her breathless.

The others from the village swiftly took Neha and Aaryan to provide the necessary care, leaving Varsha alone with him. His gentle gaze met hers, and he reassured her with a comforting smile. "Hey, don't worry. They'll be alright," he whispered, his voice carrying a soothing cadence that wrapped around her like a tender embrace. "By the way, what's your name?"

Varsha, still caught in the enchantment of the moment, stammered, "I'm... I'm Varsha." His name lingered on her lips like a whispered secret. With a sudden realization, she snapped out of her trance and, gathering her courage, asked, "What about you?"

He grinned, his eyes holding a spark that mirrored the newfound connection between them. "Oh, me? I'm Aditya," he replied. 

and in that exchange of names, a silent understanding blossomed, paving the way for a romantic journey that seemed to unfold with each beat of their entwined hearts.

Aditya, his touch gentle yet firm, held Varsha in his arms as he guided her towards the heart of the village. The night seemed to bend around them, the moon casting a soft glow on their path, creating an intimate setting that mirrored the burgeoning connection between them.

As they entered the village, the air carried a subtle fragrance of warmth and community. The distant hum of village life added to the enchanting ambiance, providing a soothing backdrop to their journey. Aditya's gaze never wavered from Varsha, his eyes reflecting a tenderness that spoke volumes in the quietude of the night.

The village, once a mysterious sanctuary, unfolded before them like a tapestry of shared moments. Aditya's comforting presence created a cocoon of safety around Varsha, as if the world beyond had ceased to exist. Amidst the quaint charm of the village, their footsteps resonated with the rhythm of a blossoming connection, each step marking the beginning of a romantic journey that transcended the boundaries of the unknown.

As Aditya and Varsha stepped into the heart of the village, a transformation occurred. The once-foreboding atmosphere gave way to a scene of normalcy and warmth. Bright lights illuminated the village square, casting a welcoming glow that chased away the shadows of uncertainty. Women with children bustled about, and men engaged in various agricultural activities, creating a tapestry of communal life.

Varsha, once consumed by the fear of the unknown, found her hopes soaring in the midst of this serene village life. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and the chatter of everyday life, and the villagers seemed to radiate a sense of camaraderie that eased Varsha's apprehensions.

Aditya, sensing Varsha's newfound optimism, chose a spot in the lively village square and gently set her down. "Father, this is Varsha. We found her outside the village. She needs our help," he announced, his voice carrying a tone of both concern and assurance. The villagers, upon hearing Aditya's words, turned their attention towards Varsha.

Aditya's father, a figure of both authority and kindness, approached Varsha with a curious expression. "You don't seem like you belong to this island. Where are you from? And why are you here?" he inquired, his eyes revealing a blend of concern and genuine curiosity.

Varsha took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting the lingering fear from the ordeal they had endured. "We are not from this island. We were trapped here by the group of villagers who were conducting some dark rituals," she began, her voice carrying the weight of the harrowing journey.

She went on to recount the nightmarish events, describing their captivity, the rituals, and the desperate escape that led them to this welcoming village. The atmosphere in the village square became charged with a mixture of disbelief and empathy as the villagers absorbed the tale of tragedy and resilience.

As Varsha reached the part where Aditya and the villagers intervened to save them, palpable tension hung in the air. The drama of their escape unfolded before the villagers, revealing unsettling truths about the dark practices that lurked on the island. Aditya's father listened intently, his gaze unwavering as the story unfolded, a storm of emotions playing across his face.

The village square, once filled with the lighthearted sounds of community, now resonated with the gravity of Varsha's narrative. The drama of their escape and the hope found in the unexpected sanctuary of the village left an indelible mark, forging a connection between the outsider and the villagers bound by shared tales of resilience and the ever-present shadows of the island's dark secrets.

Aditya's father, moved by Varsha's story, issued a compassionate order for his son. "Aditya, give her a room to stay," he instructed, setting in motion a series of events that would redefine the course of the night.

Aditya, with a sincerity that mirrored the newfound connection between them, approached Varsha. "Do you want me to lift you up?" he asked, his eyes conveying a tender concern.

Varsha, with a genuine smile, replied, "Of course you can!" Her heart fluttered as Aditya's touch gently held her, lifting her off the ground.

In a quiet corner of the village, Aditya guided Varsha to a room, a haven amidst the shared narratives of pain and resilience. He gently placed her on the bed, and the room, bathed in the soft glow of dim light, seemed to transform into a sanctuary of tranquility.

Varsha, captivated by the warmth of Aditya's presence, hesitated to let go of his hand. "Can you please stay here until I fall asleep?" she asked, her eyes searching his for reassurance. 

Aditya's smile deepened, and he assured her, "Of course, I will be here. Don't you worry; I won't let anything happen to you." His words, a soothing melody, resonated in the room, enveloping Varsha in a comforting embrace.

As Varsha drifted into the gentle currents of sleep, Aditya slowly withdrew his hand, tenderly covering her with a blanket. He stood by the doorway for a moment, watching her peaceful slumber. With a final, affectionate glance, he left the room, promising to wait for her outside. The night unfolded in the most romantic of ways, weaving a delicate tapestry of shared vulnerability, protective gestures, and the promise of a newfound connection that transcended the shadows of their pasts.

Back at the other village, the villagers who chased them down return. The village elder looks at them and angrily asks, "where's the girl???" 

the guy with the dagger and a disgusting face said, " by the time we got her, they already reached mist Village, and they had taken those children into their custody." 

village elder comes near him and slaps him hardly as his tooth falls. "when did you become so weak to not be able to capture some kids? How much have you fallen?" 

blood's coming out of his mouth. "give us one more chance, baba; this time we'll get her for sure." 

the village elder splits on his face: " no more chances, you have done enough, I know a guy who can perfectly do this job, get him." 

two villagers drag a person with his face closed with a cloth. The village elder asks them to remove the cloth covering his face. As they remove it, it turns out to be Surya with blood all over his face. They tortured him so much that he can barely listen as they hit near his head and his ear drums got blasted to an extent, and his nails from both hands and legs were ripped off and his eyes were swollen. He could not even see properly. The village elder comes near him and holds his hair and turns in a direction. Open your fucking eyes and seee,, you motherfucker!!" 

as whatever he saw was blurred but he can see a naked women in front of him, and as more clarity comes, it turns out it is Ananya!

 He starts screaming, "leave her , don't do anything to her , please, I beg you, I'll do anything you want; please don't do anything to her." 

then the village elder goes near Ananya and puts a knife on her chest and slowly moves it towards her neck. 

as she screams, "Surya , help me, ahhh ahhhhaa, Surya , Surya!!" 

Surya then says angrily, " i'll do whatever you want; please don't hurt her."  

village elder then throws the knife away and asks the villagers to drag Ananya away. He then comes near Surya and says,

" we just have one work for you, Get your daughter back to this village, You do that and we'll set your wife free." 

 Surya splits the blood on the ground and screams, "ahhhhhh, not my daughter , you assholes."

 village elder with an evil smile " choice is yours; whether to save your daughter or your wife, we will set you free and show you the directions where your daughter is hiding. You can bring her back by tomorrow morning, or  you can escape along with your daughter, but your wife will die in the most horrific way possible, We'll cut her fingers, hands and legs and let her suffer. We will give her food, but how she eats and how she discharge what she eats is all up to her."

 and throws Surya out of the village and gives him a map to mist village, Whether he chooses his daughter or his wife, the sole decision is on him.