Work Time

All of them stood outside the station, wondering what will happen. Caligo rose his hand forward, swayed it to his right then to his left then down and that's when it begun, the buildings around the station moved, following the direction his hand, getting attached to the station. They'd crumble and reform into new shape, making a complete new foundation.

The fence around the station grew longer with more spikes on the top and in the front it was even longer. The entire station was now turned into big impenetrable fortress.

Neither monsters nor any demons could break through. It was protected by triple layered magical barrier formed by Caligo himself, to protect them from any kind an attack.

Akai couldn't believe what she was witnessing, the crazy idea that she would only dream of was coming true right in front of her not only her, but everyone's jaw dropped on the ground, it was as if their sole had left their bodies, they were speechless.

When the moving had stopped, Caligo nodded to Akai saying that the new building was ready to live in it. She asked all to go inside the station which was now, a beautiful mansion.

They hesitated and looked at each other, Akai then gestured everyone to move forward only then did they move. Stepping in, they were taken aback, mesmerized at the interiors. It was like an actual castle.

The mansion was gigantic on the inside with plenty of rooms for all of them and plenty more, there is a big living room, a working office, a PA room which will be used for contacting the main cities and for announcements, the kitchen was especially big and spacious, more modern design at that.

Akai was amazed at how Caligo could grasp the culture differences pretty easily. No one would believe that just a day ago he didn't know anything about the modern world, moreover the architectural designs and styles, to have constructed in this wonderful building was heavenly.

He was born talented she thought. There was a storage room, weapons rooms to keep all weapons, an infirmary which was similar to any expensive hospitals this gave her the thought that he was filthy rich from where ever he came from.

Also there are two unexpected rooms. One that was like laboratory and the second was basement which had smaller room like prison cells, there were ten cell each two of same kind.

Two normal, eight magical ones, of the eight, two were sound concealed, two were made for monsters, other two were for demons and the last two were like torture room for interrogations.

There are gardens around it around the house too. That Caligo was creepy everyone thought, unknown to them it was Akai who asked him to make those rooms, wishing she never had to use them, ever.

It was dusk now.

The rumblings of their stomach filled the dining hall. They were dying from the hunger. The on the other hand the kitchen was busy making feast for everyone, for hundred at that. The small children would occasionally try to steal from the kitchen but always get caught by the cooking team.

Isabella was merciless when it comes to food; nobody is to lay a hand on them until they were ready on the table or until Akai would say so, some of them awaited outside the kitchen, mouths drooling like a fountain, waiting to grab whatever scarps that would leave the kitchen.

'A master chief' thought Akai, sitting on empty kitchen counter on the corner, biting down the chocolate bar on her hand. She watched as everyone was working hard.

They all were just school students and none of them were even reached twenty yet. When will the grownups come? It is scary, she wrapped the chocolate bar, tugged it inside her pocket and jumped down from the counter and went back to her room.

Which was in the second floor, on the way she noticed the Kiara and many others form her group, near the weapons room.

"Probably with Caligo" she thought, climbing the stairs "he on the other hand is kindly helping us. It's weird. I suppose he wants something from us, whatever it is hope we can help.

Damn he should just blurt it out instead of beating around the bush. I should just leave it. No point, the 'helpers' are doing great job of helping the main teams.

They prepared the children's beds, helped in the kitchen, and arranged the decoration of the station which now a god forsaken mansion and some of them are still working like hell. I never expected them to take this seriously, ya know. Damn, I am so sleepy"

She had climbed the long stairs and walked down the empty hall way, which was elaborately decorated at that. It felt like some filthy rich person's house and that she was intruding in, without permission, yawning continuously until she had reached her room.

Her room wasn't that big, it was just normal ordinary one. There was however, a master bed, a big table, big decorated keys which probably lead to the special rooms, laptop, headphones and a phone and a tab.

There was everything except the computer set, a small cupboard with few clothing. On the opposite side from the door, there was a big window almost a size of a balcony.

Closing the door behind her, she went to the bathroom taking some clothes from the cupboard and a comb from her mirror desk. She threw her dirty torn uniform in the basket, untied her messy bun and inspected her body in the big mirror.

Cuts and bruises, blood, sweat and dirt, how did Isabella manage to keep her in the kitchen all this time?

"This will hurt a lot?" she said to herself looking at the bathtub filed with warm water.

She removed all the bandages on her. Combed her hair and went the shower first, when the warm water slid her body the tingling pain made her twitch.

Along with the dirt and blood, her hair was losing its dark color, while revealing the red hue on it; it was a black dye that she had put.

Akai had inherited it from her father who also possessed such colored hair. Both her parents had unusual appearances and she was the one who inherited all their unusual traits.

Unlike her brother who had their parent's normal traits which were blue eyes and black hair, she was to be considered abnormal in the society; therefore she had to hide them.

"But I love my appearance"

After washing her hair with shampoo, the hair became even more red, color of red blood that is. She rested in the beautiful and big bathtub. Short while later, Akai lay in her bed sleeping soundly.

Downstairs, everyone enjoyed the gourmet food prepared by the cooking team, music and drinks just like a party.

There was no need to worry about the monsters, since the whole place in sound proof and the light from the inside cannot be seen from the outside. That's how safe Caligo made the mansion on Akai's request. She was a genius.

Next morning the chorus noise outside, in the hall, woke her up. Who would wake up so early and make so much noise outside, couldn't she get good sleep after so long she thought.

She looked at the clock but there was none, she had forgotten that she wasn't at home, and then she looked at her wrist watch. It was two 'o' clock, two in the morning she thought and went back to sleep but the sounds kept on going which ruined her sleep.

Akai got up and pulled the door open.

"What's all the noise?!" she shouted.

This bought everyone's attention to her. For few seconds they stared her then smiled back worriedly.

"Big sis, you wake?" said a small girl in the hallway.

"Yeah…." She lowered her voice, scanning her worried face and the others behind her "what happened?" she got serious.

"We got some injured" said another

"Injured? How?" she asked calmly.

"Well, we found some survivors from outside"

"Why wasn't I informed about that sooner?!"

"The seniors said not to disturbed you since you looked so tired yesterday" said the girl stammering from fear.

Seeing her stammer, Akai patted her head and smiled. The girl was scared of the raised voice; off course not only her but all the other children.

She saw her caring so many bandages and the one next to her was caring medicines, all the children were caring something medical.

"Were you helping the others with wounded?" she asked softly. They all nodded. "That is amazing"

"You mean it?" the girl asked with some courage.


"Could you take me to them?"

"I can take you!" said a boy popping out of her back.

On the way, the children would ask her countless questions about her appearance, Akai explained them why she was like that. It made quite sense.

But questions became millions times more when she entered the infirmary. All eyes were on her, even the injured; no one could turn way from the incredible sight.

The sunrays reflected on her messy hair, which looks like red flames that were tied up into a bun. She walked into the room, holding the little girl's hand. Her eyes were tired and she could barely open them.

It was miracle that she had no dark circles. This tired look however, gave different idea to the others. What they saw not a tried look but a serious and furious one. Being their shining leader and beckon of hope, seeing her poker face caused tension among them.

"Stop staring and no questions about me", she massaged her tired and aching neck, "give me the report, Rose, what happened? Why are there so many here new people here?"

"Well apparently when you were asleep, Isabella asked us to bring more supplies from the Lola mart and on the way Mr. Caligo rescued these people from the monsters outside"

"Alright, I get it, treat them quickly" Akai said

"Yes, well we are almost finished here" answered Rose

"What is the time?"

"One in the afternoon"

"What? That late, why didn't you wake me up?" Akai was surprised, how could she sleep that long? Unbelievable.

"You were asleep that's why and since nobody wanted to disturb you. You were so tired yesterday"

Akai let go of the little girl's hand and thanked her. All the children went back to their works.

"I don't see the scouts, also Lily and Cal"

"The scouts went off with more extra members, Chi said it would be good to have more in case, also Mr. Caligo had accompanied them, therefore there is no need to worry about them", she continued, "Lily was disturbed by the injured and didn't want to even come near them at first but she managed somehow, and completed her assigned work and there she is"

She pointed in the corner of the room. Lily was facing the wall gloomily also mumbling something. She has always been like that to begin with; others might think she was kind and sweet.

Although the truth was she was nothing mentioned above, she just never bothered to talk to anyone and kept quite most of the time. Akai was her first friend then Kiara and Rose.

Akai had that weird affinity towards introverted people; she had a way to make someone open up to her, most of the time it was unintended. Not only did those extroverts respected her, they also admired her.

She wouldn't speak unnecessarily to those who weren't close to her; because it was waste of time as no one would listen but to her besties she was a hilarious clown.

"Lily", Akai called.

She immediately turned around and quickly grabbed Akai's hand, rambling in tears about not wanting to do that again and that it was so gross. Akai gave a tired smile and agreed with her.

"Sure, you don't have to" she smiled at her friend "Take rest for now"

"Yeah I will"

"I will go wash up" said Akai

"Your hair, Kai" asked Lily "you sure about this, everyone is staring"

"She is right you know" said Rose from behind "your secret is out"

"It's okay, I was tired yesterday and my dye is at home" she paused "also, I rushed outside without even realizing it so it's okay"

"So it's because of your stupidity" said Lily

"Yes" replied Akai "I will leave now and after that Rosy will give me the whole report"


After washing up, she went down stairs. The children were playing with some toys they had and hide and seek, playing characters and reading some stories. They were happy with no fear. She watched them play monster hunt.

"They would cry if they saw the real monster out there", she thought, "nothing feels real, all of them are doing the works I assigned them, that's odd. I hungry"

While heading to the kitchen, all who saw her would greet her.

This made her feel tensed and uncomfortable, she watched them do their work, whole heartedly. The kitchen was busy preparing lunch, Isabella gave heated orders.

The smell of delicious food filled Akai's nose and her stomach growled from hunger, loud enough for Isabella to hear. She quickly turned around and saw Akai avoiding eye contact.

"Well, well good afternoon Akai" she greeted her with warmed "good thing you came have your breakfast ready"

"Yes, thank you"

She sat on the stool near the counter; on the plate front of her was a tasty stake, red sauce all over it with some leafy veg on the side, A Glass of warm water on her left and chicken soup in the front and kun'nafa on the right, all in all a good feast with healthy nutriment.

"Looks expensive"

"Well… all the shops are abounded and no one's care if we steal right"

"Yeah, I guess. I'll dig in" she begun to cut the stake with fork and knife and had bite "its sooo good, Isabella"

"Well than thank you" she smiled.

"The best thing I ever had"

"Alright now, eat quick Akai"


Isabella went back to her work while Akai ate her delicious meal. Not even in entire life she thought she could have a stake more than that have food served in expensive manner.

It was dream come true. Her family wasn't rich or poor, they just in the middle. Being in middle is also a problem; her parents could not afford much. Her parents worked day and night, especially her father who would stay in the shop for most of the time and was never free.

He only came to take little sleep at night. She hated that. Her mother would cry and complain about father not giving anything to her, no comfort and no peace.

She always wanted to become rich and make them live like Kings and Queens. But Akai was too young for work.

"When will I grow up and make them live like that", she thought, "I miss them, mom and dad. Please come back, I am scared"

She took a deep breath to stop the Tears from falling and then continued to sip the soup and finally her favorite kun'nafa. The sweetness erased all her worries.

"Isabella, did my brother, El have the stake?"

"Your brother? The one with black hair and blue eyes"


"Yes he did", she said happily remembering how that boy just gobled up in one go and asked for seconds, "he was one who complemented me the most, he was so happy"

"I am glad", said Akai looking at her plate, "he loves them"

"I will be sure to treat him more"

"thank you, the meal was great" she got up, taking the plates to the sink.

"AKAI!!" Isabella called her.

"Yes!" Akai was startled

"What do you think you are doing?"

"About to clean the dishes"

"Yes I know"

"And what's the problem?"

"You are not allowed to that's the problem"

"I can wash them properly"

"I am not allowing it"

Akai asked that why she was not allowing her to wash the dishes,

"Look at yourself" she pointed at her wounds "you are covered in bandages, missy"

"Oh that, don't worry its okay they won't get wet"

"I am not done explaining yet" she looked at her seriously "you are someone we rely on and someone who saved us from death, we are grateful for that therefore we cannot let you do anything else but order us around. Got that missy?"

"I'll get bored then" Akai said tiredly "never even wanted to take care of you all" she thought to herself.

"You should only think of our wellbeing"

"Okay, sure"

She kept the dishes in the sink and left the kitchen smiling.

"The only reason they are alive is because they followed my orders without any complain" she grinned wide "hmm should I go look at the laboratory, the keys are with me"

With good thoughts of seeing something interesting she went to the laboratory. It was incredible.


"I thought it was great but looks like I was wrong" she sighed and looked around the lab "I wonder why he even made a lab here, kinda waste of power. But I suppose it's a good talent, man I wish I was too, I want to get stronger. The light bulbs here are made of...crystals? Gold, silver, marbles, diamonds too? Man, he is filthy rich. I am jealous" she glared at the keys in her hand "even these have gems...…I can sell them and become a million-"

"Don't even think about it", said the voice behind her.

Caligo was leaning against the open door, his arms crossed, just like before there was no emotions in his face. He was handsome too, that pose he made was cool and seductive.

Akai had never seen someone as attractive as him before. He was exactly her type, tall about 190cm, broad shoulders and thin waist, not to mention muscular.

Now that he not wearing his long over coat, the details of his muscular body can be seen through the tight t-shirt. She was sure she that wanted a man like him around her, Akai loved being around beautiful people. She had no interest in 'love' or what so ever, beauty is what matters to her and Caligo was the perfect example of that.

"Even so I can never be compared to him or my friends" she thought and asked him "are all your people like you? Strong I mean"


"They at least have some magic right, each and every one of them even if they can't use them"


"That's cool" she said staring at the floor "so, did you finish your work?"

"Yes, unfortunately I can't do anything about it" he straightened up and closed the door behind him, so that no one can hear their conversation "I am here to explain about the gates, so listen carefully"

"Yes, okay" Akai sat on the lap desk.

"There are countless gates alone in this country, many of them have closed by themselves because they were too week to last but not before anything passed through them. Those which lasted till now are letting many unknown creatures through, they will disappear soon, but it will be a problem and some require an outside help to close, like me" he too sat on the lab desk, the one which is opposite to her, "the problem here is that the demon world's gate has been open and they need keys to close but the keys are scattered all over the two worlds so that option to close the demon gate is gone. Therefore our only option is to close all of them one by one"

"Could you please wait" she said "I need time to process all the information, and why are you telling me about all these"

"Cause I only know, you here" he bluntly replied to her.

"I understand that but I am just a kid, you should tell these to some officials or the president himself" she continued "I can't help you with closing the gate, not a magician ya know"

"From what you just said I am pretty sure you will be able to help me" "plenty I would say", thought Caligo, "a normal fifteen years old would shiver at what I just said but she kept her composer and cool head, this shows how mature and cool head she stays in times of crisis. Perfect leader that everyone will follow and listen, if she lives she will have bright future ahead" and narrowed his eyes "i should keep you alive and safe"

"Well what do you want? I will try my best to help" Akai said hopping it would something small which she can do at least.

"That's good"

"But I have a question"

"What is it?"

"How many gates did you close?" she asked him.

"Ah that" he looked into her eyes "every single one in this whole country"

"You are kidding right?" she almost jumped from where she sat, how could this be? What is he? "S-so... How did you do it?"

"Used magic spell"

Last night while everyone one was asleep; Caligo took it in his hands to close the gates near him. This made Akai realize that he is someone not to mess with; someone like him might be in the rank of strongest mage in his world or maybe a demon lord. But off course not some a normal magic user.

Caligo went to the roof; by using his magic senses he located all the gates that he could, which turn out to have located all in the whole country.

"19,990 gates all together" he said "this kingdom or country is small therefore it is easy for me close all"

He raised both his hands on both sides and caste a smell, two magic diagrams appeared. Their structures were very complicated with glowing purple light. Slowly he was lifted in the air, each wave of his hands produced wind pressure he continued for five minute.

The by the time he finished, diagrams grew larger and redder, there were now five of the diagram, they were circling around him, stronger in the senses. Caligo flew further up in the cloudy sky and finally released the spell to it full scale.

The magic diagram, scattered everywhere with unimaginable speed, they bought strong wind behind them along the way closing all the gates strong or weak then vanished into thin air after going miles but the wind continued to go ahead and closed all the gates. It spread to the whole country, covering each and every corner.

"The gates are closed now. My powers can do this much at least"

Suddenly a drop of rain fell on his right, after the spell finished its work; the wind pressure caused the rain to fall. Little by little the rain started to pour heavily.

"You must be pretty strong huh?' Akai asked hesitant.

"I am", he said "and ….. You are sweating bullets there"

"Am I now?" she turned her head away from him "haa hah" she couldn't help but tremble on the inside, "what did you expect of me, act normal? Dude you are probably a 'demon king'. Even a fool would know what how strong you are. We are friends right? Hold on, the dude is like 10 or 20 years older than me how I can we become friends. Oh God help me"

"Akai" he called her name

"Yes? Anything you want?" she asked him swallowing hard.

"I do, where do I find the king?"

"There is no king in this country" she said casually

"Then how does it work?"

"We call our leaders 'president' and not king, the age of kings and emperors are over, it's been like that since many centuries now. Though there are some countries which have kings and queens like the Gulf where you currently are, but we don't call them king this or king that, we call them 'president'. There is also UK, united Kingdom" she explained to him with every detail as possible "you can always just go to him, at his home I mean. It will be useful with GPS but there hasn't been any communication from outside this town. We have to go the capital. Of what you just said the whole world is upside down, it will be difficult to even ask for rescue here. Also people won't accept you at all"

"Why is that?"

"You already know that", she became serious.

He stared at her then smirked.

"You are not wrong" he said, the people of this world are unaware of the existence of multiverses or the fact that is another world, world that had caused so much damage to their own world. Akai understood this fact much faster than anyone else here. She was incredible, "what about you?"

"I still didn't lose anything so I can't say but…", she continued, "even if I do lose something, I won't blame you because revenge won't bring them back, and at the same time if I could I will definitely destroy the ones who caused this"

When she said those, Caligo felt murderous intent from her, bloodthirst which he thought she could never have. He was wrong she was dangerous. Now he was very interested in her, someone who could switch off her emotions in seconds.

"Good news for me, I am not the one who caused this" he said jokingly

"I was worried" she smiled and looked the watch "oh its past lunch time, Lilly's sister will be furious. By the way Caligo how was the food yesterday, you like it?"

"I never had such good food before; all of them were new to my taste", he replied happily.

In the meantime Kiara, being tired of searching for Akai in the whole mansion

"Akai where are you?" Kiara screamed while crying fake tears.

"Stop whining Kia" said Lily "she will come back later and its hasn't been that long"

"Why does she keep disappearing like that?" asked Rose showing annoyance in her question.

"Well that's how she is now, she loves being alone" said lily "she used to be very energetic before and a problem child a that because her we all changed into our selves"

"Now she is becoming like how we used to be" said Kiara

"Does she not feel lonely?" asked Rose.

"She may like to be alone but she won't be lonely" said Lily

"I will go search for her bye" said Kiara getting up from the coach; just than Drake leaped on to her and licked her checks "You little devil, you wanna go to her too?"

"Woof, woof"

"Let's go" she pointed "sniff her out, Drake"

"I think I know where she might be" said Lily getting up "Rose, take care of what Akai asked you before and we will go find her. Seeing her angry is the last thing I want" her expression became dark.

Inside the laboratory

"Woof, woof, woof"

"That's Drake isn't it" said Akai uninterested "why is that thing still here?"

"You are his master", Caligo replied

"I am cat person", she says, "I don't like dogs, they are full of energy and I am not"

"Too bad he likes you", he said unbothered "dogs like you"

"What?" Akai was surprised did he just insult her indirectly? "did I hear you corr….."

Just then Kiara called out

"Akai you in there?" she said trying to open the locked door "open the door"

"Don't break it, I am coming" she said and turned to Caligo "you locked it?"

"That's why I locked it" he pointed at the door, which Kiara was trying to break.

"Great thinking" she raised her thumb "stop breaking the door, I am coming"

Akai opened the door, to see both Lily and Kiara also Drake waiting for her.

"I knew you were in a place like this" said Lily "come on the report is …"

Just as she looked up, Caligo appeared from behind Akai and opened the door wider.

Lily and Kiara were dumbfounded what was Akai doing with guy her type in a dark room alone? They just kept blinking fast, clearing their eyes, as if they were mistaken.

"Sorry Mr. Caligo but we need to talk to her if you don't mind" said Lily. Caligo nodded not uttering any word. "Then please excuse us"

Both grabbed each of Akai's hand and dragged her to her room. "What are you two doing?" asked Akai as she was been pulled away.

"What are WE doing?" said repeated Kiara "what were you doing?"


"With that guy?" asked Lily.

"You do know that I wouldn't do something weird right nor will he" said Akai

"We aren't worried about that. What if that strange man did something weird?" said Lily

"And he is clearly your type" continued Kiara "you wouldn't say 'no' to him"

"I am fifteen…"

"About to be sixteen within two days" said Lily "he someone you should be careful about, what if he is a foe? He also knows how to use magic; we are at his mercy, Kai"

"That's right if he did something to you we won't be able to do anything" said Kiara "therefore you can't be alone with him"

"Are you two worried?" she hugged lightly "don't worry if anything happens to me I will die happy knowing you all okay"

"You are the one who is not getting it" Lily sighed and she let go of Akai, "and stop sugar coating your words" she pushed Akai's face away from her.

"I get it; I swear" Akai smiled "now why were you two looking for me?"

"Right, I almost forgot about that" said Lily "the scouts wants to meet you, its urgent"

Akai narrowed her eyes. On the way, Kiara explained briefly about what happened. Apparently, they were able to inspect only near the main road and it was full of chaos, all were smashed into something.

Shops burned down, there are also many monsters roaming around but Caligo had protected them.

"Last night we saw fire in the far distance" Kiara explained while they all were heading to the living room, "it was near the Lola mall, we assumed survivors out there, which is way in the morning we all along with Mr. Caligo left to check it out. We knew you would send us, therefore, we went there by our choice without wasting any time."

When they all came to that place where they had seen the fire, there was something unexpected waiting for them. The fire took place in the central plaza; there was a massacre not only that beasts were devouring the burned dead bodies. It was a horrible scene. Nothing could compare it.

Few of the monsters attacked them, their teeth and claws were able to cut through steel, however Caligo kept them safe. The survivors decreased when they arrived due to monster attack. The fire was supposed to be act as a signal for anyone who could help them but it backfired.

"You haven't seen all of the people we rescued have you?" asked Kiara

"Not really" said Akai.

"Thought so" said Kiara "cause you'd be reacting differently otherwise"

"How much damage" she asked.

"See for yourself" said Kiara, while pushing the door that leads to the main living room.

Kiara was right, what she had seen in the infirmary was nothing compared to what was front of her now. There were more people here than she what anticipated. Some of them lost their limbs, some lost their eyes, cruel burns all over their body and some barely alive.

The sight was devastating, Akai bit her bottom lip and covered it with her hand and squeezed her eyes.

"Damn it" she whispered "when will they rescue us? Is there no contact from the capital?"

"No we haven't got anything" a voice came from behind "we tried to send any 'SOS' or receive any but got nothing" she waved her hand at Akai "Hey, lead"

"Ashlyn" said Akai "hey"

"According the scouts, the signal towers were damaged due to the attack" she says

"How is that possible? There are signal towers in the mountains too", Akai backed up with a promising idea.

"Well the ones in the mountains are too far from where we stand" explained Ashlyn "the signal towers which are close to us in the town were destroyed now you get it, dear lead"

"Yes I do thanks, hahah…."

"Lead!!!" someone called Akai from behind "there you are, hey"

It was Sky and the other members of the scout's team. They finally came, none of them were hurts or injured in any way. Akai was relieved to them and she unknowingly smiled.

"Waccha ya smiling fir, lead?" asked Sky as he put his hand around Akai's neck

"Get your damn hand off me, Sky" she was angry

"Akai we need to talk" said Chi

"Ah yeah"

"I suppose Kiara told you everything" he glanced over Akai at Kiara "about what happened"

"Only in brief" said Akai.

"Then let's go somewhere away from here"

On the way to the meeting room

"To be honest I think I know what else is there to listen" Akai thought "might be about 'the people who disappeared', I suppose the town is like that. The monster attack…..must be in the whole world, I am sure from what Mr. Caligo said. Technically I don't want to worry about them but snice my parents are missing I am involved. Seriously why am I thinking about that, haaa"

Some students were staring intently at them. Akai felt the hated eyes, she knew exactly what those eyes meant and this angered her. She walked to one of them.

"Hey you wanna say something, kid" she stared him seriously


Even though it's obvious that he wants to say something, Akai sighed. The others from the scouts listened.

"is something wrong Kai?" asked kiara

"Listen kid. how old are you?" Akai ignored Kiara.

Thou irritated, Kiara did not interrupt further.

"I am ten"

"ten?" she arched her right brow "wanna go home? To your mum and dad"

The boy nodded his head

"Then make sure you live till you meet them again" she patted his head "do you know why we still haven't let you meet them?"

The shook his head

"That's because, we don't know where they are and we can't just let you walk in monster's den, if we did you would die and never meet them again" her words got darker.

"What is this intense feeling" everyone thought

Cold sweat ran down the boy's neck. Not only him but all the scouting members who were with her, but soon she changed her mood again.

"Therefore you can't get hurt, okay" she smiled bright and gave him a chocolate from her pocket "all you have to do is to wait, stay healthy, play and not go outside the mansion, got that kid?"

This wiped away the fear the boy was feeling from her and agreed with then went his way. He also waved good bye to her.

"I think something is wrong with her" whispered Sky

"You are right" Semai agreed

"Maybe she is not in her right mind" said Marc

"Or maybe she got pissed because someone was staring at her" Kiara defended her "she doesn't like it when someone is staring at her, with that look nonetheless"

"Maybe she is psychopath or something" said Sky throwing a joke

"That'd be you moron" Ali threw a jest

Everyone laughed, except for Akai's two friends because knew it was real.

"You actually meant it, didn't you?" Lily asked Akai, while everyone was busy. Akai looked into her eyes and nodded.

"You better not tell us why" Kiara stood on her other side

"Do not, worry by the looks of it, you both already know" she smiled at them.

Rose, coming from an empty room in the hall way, noticed all three of them were so close. Her eyes only fell on them, ignoring the rest around them. Those three were so close to each other, even before she became their friend.

Sometimes it feels like she was excluded from the group. She was always thought that they didn't like her. But she had no one else to lean on.

Rose was alone before, no one really would take her as a real friend and Akai was one who stretched out her first. This made her the happiest, she then introduced her to others in her group and they welcomed her with open arms.

As rose was falling into despair watching them, Akai turned towards her along with the Lily and Kiara.

"Rosy!!" Akai called her, Rose raised her head "what are you doing there alone come here"

Rose's eyes widen, it made her happy, not only this time but every time when they called her. She was a part of their gang. Rose ran towards them.

"Crazy gal" said Lily "don't stand there like you got no friends"

"yeah" she smiled "n I got all the report you asked Akai"

"Thanks Rosy" Akai looked at her

In the meeting room

All sat on the sofa provided, Akai sat at the head, on the single sofa provided for her. She had to sit alone because they made an excuse that she was their leader. In the center there was a long coffee table to keep anything they had.

Lily and Kiara sat on her both sides and Rose stood by her side. Akai sat crossed leg, straight back. She was like a Queen they thought.
