
 Akai went to kitchen at morning 3am. Half asleep, she one the stove and boiled the water and dropped the instant noodles in the pot. Then she prepared the masalas that came with packet in the bowl. She took out an expensive pair of chopsticks from the shelves which were below the stove.

 Akai wasn't from east-Asia but she used the chopsticks as a pro native. After the noodles were boiled, she strained the water and served her breakfast.

 That's right she woke up at 3 in the morning to start her day. When did she get this habit? She herself didn't know about it.

 Normally she would wake up at 4:30am or 5am but three? That was very absurd even for her. But it's not like she can force herself to sleep again.

 Akai took out fresh chopped salad from the fridge and small bottle of cola and kept them next to instant noodles plate. Then she sat on the chair.

 Before she ate, Akai let her hair down from the massy bun she made after waking up and didn't even comb her hair. She never did actually only when it becomes too messy or when she felt like it. Even so, her hair was very long that it went little further from her waist, wavy at the ends and straight from her scalp.

 She kept long because her mother said so and nothing else.

 Long hair was beautiful but she didn't like because it's very annoying to keep them down, as it always goes inside her mouth and eyes. That is reason she always had hair tied in a bun with clips.

 Akai pushed her front hair backwards with her right hand and began to eat with expressionless face.

 Every time she was alone, her mind would be preoccupied with so many different kinds of thoughts. And right now she was thinking about how get stronger with her training and how to increase the survival rate of everyone around her.

 Moreover, why was she burdened with other's safety? Not just ten or twenty but unbelievable sum of over four hundred. Yes, four hundred, she got to know that from Rose and Semai yesterday. Not only her but anyone who heard would stumble backwards.


 "No they would have fainted", Akai murmured under her breath while slurping the noodles, "God you are being very harsh with me", she sighed hopelessly.

 Unbeknown to her, Akai was been watched by Caligo who was awake still. And was standing near the doorway of the kitchen, in the shadows so she couldn't see him.

 He sensed someone was awake and came to check who it was even though he knew who it was. This wasn't the first time he was watching her like this. It's been many days now. 

 He saw Akai eat with expressionless face, "she had this expression even when she was this young?" he asked himself in disbelief and with amazement, "she even talks to herself while thinking", he smiled, "nothing changed in the future too"


 Caligo was from future, hundred years to be exact. The future Akai had sent him to past to protect her younger self for a period of twenty days, and no matter what he must return.

 "Why are talking to yourself?" he asked as he came towards her.

 Akai was bought back to reality by his voice and turned around to look at him, "oh", she exclaimed, "What brings you here, Mr. Caligo?"

 Wow! The man was just too handsome for his own good. Where did he get that beauty from? He could become the world's handsome man. All what Akai could do is too admire him and his handsomeness, because he was so many years older than her.

 "I came here to see who was having a late night snack", he said casually as he came nearer to her, "and then I found you"

 "Oh", her eyes became even bigger as she exclaimed, "doesn't that mean you did sleep all this time?"

"Yes", he replied, "you can continue eating" 

Akai finished her meal and put down the empty plate, feeling a mix of embarrassment and curiosity about Caligo's presence. "Why do you stay up so late?" she asked, her voice a little more timid than she intended.

Caligo leaned against the counter, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I've always found the quiet of the night comforting. It's a time for reflection."

Akai nodded, intrigued. "I get that. I often feel the same way, especially when everyone else is asleep." She paused, her thoughts wandering back to the burden she felt. "But it's a bit overwhelming sometimes"

Caligo's gaze turned serious, sensing the weight of her thoughts. "You carry a heavy responsibility, Akai. But remember, you don't have to bear it alone."

Her heart raced at his words. It was reassuring, yet daunting. "I only protect what belongs to me"

"And you will," he replied softly as he knew what she was like. "You've always been strong. Just trust yourself." Nonetheless he motivated her.

Akai looked down, fiddling with the chopsticks. "Thanks, Mr. Caligo. I'll try."

He stepped closer, the warmth of his presence calming her. "You're not alone in this. You have allies and your precious friends"

As they stood in the dim kitchen, Akai took a deep breath, grateful for his support. "Okay, I'll remember that," she said, her resolve strengthening.

Caligo nodded, proud smile lighting up his face. "Now, get some rest when you can. Tomorrow will be here before you know it."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Akai with a sense of hope as she cleaned up the remnants of her breakfast. As she tidied up, she felt lighter, the burden of her thoughts beginning to lift, if only just a little.

As Akai cleared the table, her thoughts drifted back to her brief encounter with Caligo. His words had been a calming presence amidst her swirling anxieties. Taking a deep breath, she pushed away the doubt that clung to her.

It was 3:30 AM, and the empty town was bathed in a soft, eerie stillness. She made her way to her small room, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her long hair was a wild mess, prompting her to think, "Maybe it's time for a change." A new hairstyle might be just what she needed—something more practical for her rigorous training.

 After a quick wash-up, she donned her comfortable training gear, ideal for movement. The faint glow of streetlights outside filled her with a sense of renewed purpose. She was determined to grow stronger, not just for herself but for everyone who depended on her.

 After finishing the last bites of leftover salad from the kitchen counter, Akai grabbed her sword, along with her training staff and stepped outside. The cool night air invigorated her as she made her way to the training grounds, a vacant lot between two buildings, its asphalt cracked but familiar. Surrounding the station, an invisible magical barrier shimmered faintly, protecting them from the monsters that roamed in the darkness of the town.

 Her practice today centered on agility and precision. She began with warm-up stretches that loosened her muscles and cleared her mind. As she moved through her routines, thoughts of Caligo resurfaced. His confidence in her abilities was a source of encouragement, yet the weight of her responsibilities pressed down on her.

 Suddenly, a voice interrupted her concentration. "Hey, Akai! Early start today?" It was Kiara, her best friend, approaching with a cheerful grin and also carrying her training staff.

 "Yeah, just trying to get ahead," Akai replied, forcing a smile to mask her inner turmoil.

 Kiara joined her, and soon Chi, her training partner and classmate, arrived as well. Together, they began sparring, exchanging tips and techniques. The rhythmic clash of their staffs echoed in the quiet night, grounding Akai and reminding her that she didn't have to face her struggles alone. With every strike, her determination grew.

 After an intense session, they collapsed onto the asphalt, breathless yet exhilarated. "You're getting better, Akai," Chi noted, pride shining in her eyes. "Just remember to give us some intense work too, we were trained like that"

 Akai nodded, internalizing Chi's words. "Yeah, I know", she didn't want to let them know of her worries.

 Kiara chimed in, "You're not alone. We're all in this together, and we've got your back."

 As they sat together under the soft glow of the streetlights, Akai gazed toward the distant skyline, feeling a flicker of hope. Maybe Caligo was right—she didn't have to face the future alone.

With renewed energy, she stood up, brushing off the asphalt. "Let's get back to it. We have a lot to prepare for."

 Akai embraced the thought that the day ahead might hold challenges, but she was ready to meet them head-on, fortified by the barrier that kept the darkness at bay.Top of FormBottom of Form

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

 As Akai, Kiara, and Chi resumed their training, the atmosphere shifted. A distant rumble echoed through the night, making the trio pause. The magical barrier around the station flickered momentarily, a reminder of its constant strain against the threats lurking beyond.

"Did you feel that?" Kiara asked, her brow furrowed.

"Indeed," Akai replied, gripping her sword tighter. "It seems something out there is testing the barrier."

Chi nodded his expression serious. "We should stay alert. If the barrier weakens, we might be in danger."

They continued their training, but the earlier focus was replaced with a heightened sense of urgency. Each swing of Akai's sword resonated with determination, but her mind raced with thoughts of what might happen if the barrier fell.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from the direction of the station's gate, followed by a strange growl that sent shivers down their spines. The barrier shimmered again, flickering as if responding to the disturbance.

"Let's check it out," Akai urged her resolve hardening. The three friends moved cautiously toward the source of the sound, their hearts pounding with both fear and adrenaline.

As they approached, they saw a large shadow looming in the distance, clawing at the invisible barrier. A monstrous figure—a twisted beast with glowing eyes—was testing the limits of their protection.

"We can't let it break through," Chi said, determination etched on her face.

Akai gripped her sword, ready to fight, but just as they prepared to face the beast, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Mr. Caligo, his presence commanding and confident.

"Stand back!" he shouted, raising a hand toward the monster.

With a wave, Mr. Caligo unleashed a burst of energy that rippled through the air. The magical barrier shimmered brightly, strengthening under his influence. The beast howled in frustration, its claws bouncing off the renewed protection.

Akai and her friends watched in awe as Mr. Caligo stepped forward, drawing upon his own formidable power. With a swift motion, he summoned a surge of energy that forced the monster back, the creature stumbling and retreating into the darkness.

"Thank you, Mr. Caligo," Akai said, her voice filled with gratitude. "We thought we could handle it, but the situation escalated."

"You demonstrated great courage, Akai," he replied, his gaze steady. "However, facing these creatures requires more than just determination."

Akai nodded, her expression serious. "I understand, sir. We will strive to improve and be better prepared in the future."

"Remember, you are never alone in this fight," Mr. Caligo said, a hint of encouragement in his voice.

As dawn began to break, casting a warm light over the town, Akai felt a sense of unity and strength with her friends. The challenges ahead might be daunting, but with Mr. Caligo's guidance and the bond she shared with Kiara, Chi, and the others in the station, she knew they could face anything together. At least for the time being, she added silently, knowing that once help arrived, her involvement with them and this disaster would come to an end.

They all made their way inside the station. The kitchen was already bustling, preparing breakfast for everyone. Isabella's screams echoed through the hallways; her only concern was ensuring the best and most nutritious food for all.

Chi left to prepare for today's scouting, and as always, Caligo disappeared from sight. Kiara lounged on the sofa comfortably before heading out for scouting.

Akai inspected everyone's activities. Most woke up around five or six, children around seven to eight, and one was asleep by nine.

Feeling tired from training, she made her way through the various rooms: the laundry, living rooms, dining area, and most importantly, the infirmary. Dr. Yagi was busy taking care of patients, with Akai's senior, Razia, and many others assisting him.

Akai disliked the smell of the infirmary; it made her feel sick. "I'm getting goosebumps now," she shivered at the thought. "I need to go back."

As Akai was about to head back to her room, she spotted Rose, her best friend, and Semai approaching. Their faces lit up with curiosity as they saw her.

"Rose, Semai, we need to talk," Akai began, her tone serious. "Something happened today."

Rose tilted her head, concern etching her features. "What is it, Akai?"

"A monster tried to breach the barrier earlier," Akai said, watching their reactions closely. "It didn't break through, but it was close. The barrier held, but we need to be on high alert."

Semai's eyes widened in alarm. "Are you serious? How did it get so close?"

"I think they're testing our defenses," Akai replied, her mind racing. "This could mean they're planning a larger assault."

Rose's face turned pale. "We need to inform Mr. Caligo and make sure everyone is prepared. We can't let our guard down."

"Let's gather everyone in the main hall and discuss our next steps," Akai suggested. "We need to strengthen our defenses and ensure everyone is ready for anything."

As the three of them hurried to spread the word, the news quickly spread through the station like wildfire. Within minutes, the station was in an uproar. People gathered in small clusters, talking in hushed, anxious tones. Children clung to their parents, eyes wide with fear.

In the main hall, a tense atmosphere settled over the crowd as Akai stood before them.

"Everyone, please calm down," Akai began, raising her voice to be heard over the murmur of the crowd. "Yes, a monster attempted to breach the barrier today. It was a close call, but the barrier held. We need to be vigilant and prepare for the possibility of future attacks."

Mr. Caligo stood at the back of the hall, his presence imposing but silent. He watched the proceedings carefully, only nodding slightly when he met Akai's gaze.

Once the crowd had somewhat calmed down, Akai gathered her core team in the meeting hall. Chi, Layman, and Roy joined her, each bringing their own expertise and ideas.

"First, we need to secure the perimeter and reinforce the barrier," Akai began. "Chi, I want you to organize scouting teams to patrol the area around the barrier. Any unusual activity needs to be reported immediately."

Chi nodded. "I'll get on it right away. We can use some of the newer recruits to bolster our numbers."

"Layman, we need to enhance the barrier's strength," Akai continued. "Do you think it's possible to implement additional layers or some kind of early warning system?"

Layman thought for a moment. "We can definitely add some magical reinforcements. I'll work with our mages to create a more resilient barrier and set up alarm spells to alert us of any breaches."

"Roy, we need to ensure everyone's safety inside the station. Can you coordinate with the security teams to establish a solid evacuation plan and make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency?" Akai asked.

Roy gave a firm nod. "I'll conduct drills and make sure everyone is prepared. We won't be caught off guard."

As they were about to break, Akai looked toward Mr. Caligo, who had quietly entered the meeting hall and stood at the back, observing. Gathering her courage, she asked, "Mr. Caligo, do you have any additional suggestions or advice for us?"

Mr. Caligo met her gaze and gave a slow, thoughtful nod. "You've covered the essentials well, Akai. Strengthen the barrier, increase patrols, and prepare for any eventuality. Just remember, your unity is your greatest strength."

Akai felt a surge of confidence from his acknowledgment. "Thank you, sir. We'll make sure to stay united and vigilant."

As they dispersed to carry out their tasks, Akai couldn't help but feel a sense of unity and strength. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with the support and cooperation of her friends and allies, she was determined to protect their home and everyone within it.

This version reflects Mr. Caligo's reserved involvement and his subtle but significant impact on the team's morale and planning. Let me know if there are any other details you'd like to include or adjust!


akai and her friends cannot fix the barrier only mr. Caligo can, she can only take care of the security and add more people to it. add more characters like lake, El, her younger brother and cyril, El's classmate

As Akai was about to head back to her room, she spotted Rose, her best friend, and Semai approaching. Their faces lit up with curiosity as they saw her.

"Rose, Semai, we need to talk," Akai began, her tone serious. "Something happened today."

Rose tilted her head, concern etching her features. "What is it, Akai?"

"A monster tried to breach the barrier earlier," Akai said, watching their reactions closely. "It didn't break through, but it was close. The barrier held, but we need to be on high alert."

Semai's eyes widened in alarm. "Are you serious? How did it get so close?"

"I think they're testing our defenses," Akai replied, her mind racing. "This could mean they're planning a larger assault."

Rose's face turned pale. "We need to inform Mr. Caligo and make sure everyone is prepared. We can't let our guard down."

"Let's gather everyone in the main hall and discuss our next steps," Akai suggested. "We need to strengthen our defenses and ensure everyone is ready for anything."

As the three of them hurried to spread the word, the news quickly spread through the station like wildfire. Within minutes, the station was in an uproar. People gathered in small clusters, talking in hushed, anxious tones. Children clung to their parents, eyes wide with fear.

In the main hall, a tense atmosphere settled over the crowd as Akai stood before them.

"Everyone, please calm down," Akai began, raising her voice to be heard over the murmur of the crowd. "Yes, a monster attempted to breach the barrier today. It was a close call, but the barrier held. We need to be vigilant and prepare for the possibility of future attacks."

Mr. Caligo stood at the back of the hall, his presence imposing but silent. He watched the proceedings carefully, only nodding slightly when he met Akai's gaze.

Once the crowd had somewhat calmed down, Akai gathered her core team in the meeting hall. Chi, Layman, Roy, Lake, El (her younger brother), and Cyril (El's classmate) joined her, each bringing their own expertise and ideas.

"First, we need to secure the perimeter and reinforce the barrier," Akai began. "Chi, I want you to organize scouting teams to patrol the area around the barrier. Any unusual activity needs to be reported immediately."

Chi nodded. "I'll get on it right away. We can use some of the newer recruits to bolster our numbers."

"Layman, we need to enhance the barrier's strength," Akai continued. "Do you think it's possible to implement additional layers or some kind of early warning system?"

Layman shook his head. "The barrier's magic is too complex for us to handle. Only Mr. Caligo can fix it."

Akai nodded. "Understood. I'll ask him for help. Meanwhile, we need to focus on security inside the station. Roy, can you coordinate with the security teams to establish a solid evacuation plan and make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency?"

Roy gave a firm nod. "I'll conduct drills and make sure everyone is prepared. We won't be caught off guard."

"Lake, I need you to help Chi with the scouting teams and make sure we have enough supplies for extended patrols," Akai said.

"Got it," Lake replied. "I'll coordinate with the supply teams."

"El, Cyril, I need you both to assist Roy with the evacuation drills and make sure everyone, especially the younger kids, know what to do," Akai instructed.

"We're on it," El said, with Cyril nodding in agreement.

As they were about to break, Akai looked toward Mr. Caligo, who had quietly entered the meeting hall and stood at the back, observing. Gathering her courage, she asked, "Mr. Caligo, we need your help to strengthen the barrier. Can you take care of it?"

Mr. Caligo met her gaze and gave a slow, thoughtful nod. "I'll see to it immediately. Focus on your tasks and ensure everyone is safe."

Akai felt a surge of confidence from his acknowledgment. "Thank you, sir. We'll make sure to stay united and vigilant."

As they dispersed to carry out their tasks, Akai couldn't help but feel a sense of unity and strength. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with the support and cooperation of her friends and allies, she was determined to protect their home and everyone within it.