Chapter 31: Conversation with the Goddess: The price.

Everyone silently watched as Rye raised the bowl up and silently drank every inch of water inside of it.

Even Holi the woman beside Lady Nihmah had an expression of pity on her face as she stood there watching her.

Rye on the other hand felt fine even after she was done drinking.

But it was the second she stretched out her hand to hand over the bowl that she felt a searing pain thrum through every inch of her body.

One agonizing enough to make her lose consciousness in seconds.

Before she knew it, Rye fell to the ground unconscious, the bowl in her hand clattering to the ground and shattering on contact.

Holi instantly moved closer and bent down to pick it up, having experienced the horror of the awakening process to know that having broken shards of pottery around her would only make it worse.

"Lasy Nihmah! Is this necessary? We all know that she's a halfling and not even all purebloods can become Blesseds!"