Chapter 64: Two-Faced

Rye continued to look for Lady Farona only to give up when it soon became clear that she was nowhere to be found.

Tired of searching, Rye instead found a shaded part of the Sanatorium to sit, ignoring the guard who instantly moved to stand behind her.

She was still a little scared of what she heard Prince Argo say, especially after he called her human.

But soon, she could no longer bring herself to think of him, as the mere thought annoyed her beyond words.

'I'll just wait for everyone to return. I'm too tired to keep worrying over things I can't change,' Rye thought to herself as she lowered her head on her lap, and closed her eyes, intent on trying to take a quick nap.

But she had barely placed her head there for a couple of seconds when she heard a soft manly voice speak to her from above her.

Snapping her head up, Rye was surprised to see the guard whom she had ignored and had also ignored her.