Chapter 77: Dig in!

Rye was taken aback by the abruptness of his words and for a couple of seconds, was unable to respond. But that didn't stop Klas from opening his mouth to ask the question again.

"You want my blood!" He went ahead to say stating it like it was a fact and not a question. "Through our bond, I can tell that you're affinity to magic is getting weaker," Klas continued turning around and walking back to his seat where he began to cut portions of food onto his plate from the dishes served in front of him.

"You promised you were going to give it to me!" Rye responded as she watched Klas slowly began to eat in a way that made her slightly hungry even if she didn't dare to take a single spoon out of the dishes in front of her.

Instead of responding Klas nodded his head in a way that made Rye feel slightly at ease, especially since Klas sisn;t pretend that he hadn't which meant that there was hope for her.