Chapter 4: You are wasting your talent

"Elder Wang there is some one who wants to meet you saying that he have something thing urgent to discuss." A nineteen year come running he was wearing the martial arts uniform of a quasi warrior showing that he is quite talented.

In Cloud Martial arts Dou Jo the strength of the students can be measured by the color of uniform they are wearing. Yellow indicated beginner grade students, Green indicated Intermediate grade students, Purple indicated Advance Grade students and then is Red which indicates Quasi warrior.

The one who came to inform was wearing a red color Showing that he was already a Quasi warrior and was eligible to take the to be warrior test. "Ah Sixth Elder he also wants to meet you. I have already taken him to the guest room, from his clothes it seems that he is from Law enforcement."

"Luo Fang you didn't break any law right?" Elder Wang asked, as he was concerned due to the strict punishment of the Law enforcement department for breaking the law.

"You don't have to worry about it as you now I am a law biding citizen and moreover I am not even I an official warrior so why would law enforcement department would come looking for me. It may be that they might have discovered something related to me and the warrior community and have come to investigate." Luo Fang exclaimed in a calm voice as it didn't matter to him that what was occurring in his surroundings.

"With that being said Elder Wang let's the and meet our guest as it is not the right etiquette to keep a guest waiting." Saying this Lou Fang started to take steps towards the guestroom with Third elder hurrying right behind him.

In the guestroom

"Captain Wei why are you wasting your precious time on some one who yet have to take to-be-warrior test I don't think he is worth your time." The man standing next to Captain Wei said in a restless tone as he believed that Captain Wei who was a Advance Warlord was wasting his time by coming here to talk to someone who hadn't yet taken to be warrior test., But he only found himself being schooled.

" Sometimes not everyone can see gem that needs polishing so that it's real glory could be seen. Lou Fang is such a gem, if given right resources and tempering he would surely wouldn't be less precious than a diamond." Captain Wei thought that someone who can match the power of Intermediate grade warrior with out cultivating genetic energy was someone who had the potential to become one of the pillars of this world.

'A Wargod', yes he thought that Luo Fang had the potential to become a Wargod or maybe go even beyond that. While he was skimming through his thoughts he heard a voice that didn't match the age of the person he was waiting for.

As he stood up to greet the one who entered he saw that there were two one was obviously elder Wang the second one was someone quite young then it meant he was Luo Fang. He was in such a hurry to meet Luo Fang that he didn't even looked at his picture so he couldn't recognize him.

" It is always a pleasure to meet you Brother in law, and you must be Lou Fang I might say that I am quite astonished at your age I never thought that you've yet to come off age. It is truly wasting your incredible talent but alas what can we do you haven't yet turned eighteen thus you can't take the to-be-warrior test"

"Wei Ling you don't have to worry to much about him he will become eighteen in three days and will give the test tomorrow, like everyone else."Elder Wang said in a way as if he was protecting Luo Fang as he even subconsciously stood infront of Lou Fang.

"Easy there brother in law why are you getting so tense all of the sudden." Captain Wei Ling was taken aback by the action of his brother in law, he really acting weird as one has to know that only they were relative but also best friends since childhood and both were advance Warlord.

"Brother in law why are you behaving as if I am here to harm him, it is not as if I would steal him away from you it's just that we offer much better conditions than you so they…." Captain Wei wasn't even able to finish his words when he was cut off by Elder Wang

"No matter what you say Luo Fang is the hope of reviving the lost glory of our Clouds martial arts Dou Jo. Luo Fang don't listen to his nonsense he just want to increase his merits to become a higher ranked citizen in order to obtain more resources. Luo Fang if you agree to his conditions you would be tied with countless rules and regulations, and I know you are freeman it definitely won't suit you."