Start of a Dream

"Now, Ryo, you can use Kizu, so there's something you're not telling me."

"[Ryo, I must advise that you watch what you say. Kizy is a form of energy that resides in someone, everyone has the potential to use it, but it's unlocked differently for everyone. The most common is a near-death experience.]"

Ryo responds "Kizu is a type of energy, right?"

"So you don't know, but the look on your face tells me you're hiding something. It's not Kizu, so it must be an incarnate. Am I right?"

The expression on Ryo's face dropped from series to nerves. He was worried, worried about what might come next.

"Don't fret kid, I won't hurt ya. My name is Daisuke, but my friends all call me Dice."

Ryo stutters "That's... that's a foreign name. Are you from Odo?"

"Yes, Odoyashi. The eastern land, your name comes from there too, but you don't look eastern."

"My father is from there, but I take after my mom."

"Really what happened to them?"

"My mom died a few years ago, I don't know if my dad is still alive or not. I haven't seen him since the earthquake."

"Right. How about this?" The man states cheerfully. "If you tell me what you want to do, if I like it I'll train you."

Ryo relaxes and sits back on the couch. "What I want to do huh?" His face widens as a smile opens from cheek to cheek. "I want to unite the nations together, I want to bring peace to the world. I want to be emperor."

"Hahahaha" Dice laughs hysterically at his answer, surprised to see a child with such true ambition. "I can tell you're being serious, okay? I'll train you. But it's gonna be hard."

"[You shouldn't trust people you just met Ryo.]"

"It's okay Mizukio. He seems like a good guy."

"Before I take you in, just one thing.:

"Sure, what's up?" Ryo responds.

"What conditions do you have?" The smiles on their faces sink back into frowns as the mood is taken by the questions. "The stronger someone Kizu is, the more physical limitations they have. You're not terribly powerful, but you do have more ability than average."

"Well, I have pectus excavatum and Ehlers–Danlos syndrome."

"Yeah that's not bad, just be careful. If your body fails in training, then I won't be able to train you, got it?"

"Got it!"

"Okay. I'll train you for three months. For the first month, you'll do an hour of Kizu training, two hours of Fitness, an hour of meditating, then an hour of Kizu. Followed by half an hour of Incarnate practice every day. In month two it's going to be an hour of physical, two hours of kizu, an hour of meditating, an hour of kizu, then an hour of incarnate training. After all that, you also will be taking Kizu enhancement balls for dinner. In month three it will be two hours of physical training, two hours of Kizu, an hour of meditation, and then an hour of Incarnate training. Then another hour of Physical and Kizy training, all three meals will be made specifically for protein gain and Kizu gain. Afterward, you can stay for another month resting and preparing."

"Preparing for what? Ryo asked.

"I'll be sending you to the Black-light training facility, as a grade A."

"What's Black-Light?"

"Black Light is a program conducted by the King's Council, It trains people to make a difference. One person from each group will be chosen to be a noble, and given land. If that person wants to they can choose retainers to accompany them. The rest of the people will become members of the army. Essentially, it's a boot camp for potential nobels."

"So I'll be in a training camp, which goes two ways, it recruits new lords and the other is military?"

"There's more to it than that. People who aren't chosen to be lords become a part of the king's guard. I was a member of the previous king's guard for 12 years before retiring."

One final question in Ryo's mind. "What will I be doing there?"

"Well, apart from training, you will be gathering intel from other countries, fighting terrorists, and in wars. You can only be selected as a noble once your time there comes to an end. Which is four years. Right now is a private selection, only current leaders of Black-Light can choose who enters by personal selection. Four months from now is an open selection. That's when anyone can enroll. And I have a feeling that survivors of Corden will be there."

Without any hesitation, he says... "I'll do it."

"Good, training begins now."


Back in the gray room, a boy sits in the chair. He was shorter but had a strong look in his eyes. A hat sits on his head along with a black shirt, a red overshirt, and darker, dirty pants. He had a rugged face with an overbite. He had Stringy oily hair. And yes just like Silas.

Hello Soren. My name is Reeva, I work for the Black-Light training program. I was wondering if you would like to...

She was caught off by Soren's premature answer.

"I accept"

"You don't even know what I was gonna say?"

"Silas already told me when I saw him in the waiting room. Thank you, you brought me and him back together, and I can't just leave him after all, he's an idiot."

"Well, that makes it easy. I'll skip the questions then. Welcome to Black-Light." Official training starts in five months, but because you and Silas were chosen, you get to skip the entrance exam. I'll see you in five months."

"Same Same." Soren responded.


I only received one question so this chapter's questionnaire will be short. The next IBQ or Ice's Bbastic Questionnaire will be chapter 7. So look out for that.

1Q. "I noticed that the months are different from real lives, why use those and not real ones?"

A. World Building. The months in order are Jenis, Czar, Mai, Galljahad, Fafnir, Leon, Nebulous, Mantum, Haven, Lothric, Pious, and Zen.

This chapter was a more Informative chapter than anything else, hope you like it.

- That ends this chapter's IBQ. Thank you to everyone who has read up to this point, just having people read this makes me happy. Until next time.