Obsessed Or Love {001}

Obsessed Or Love ~ Season 1. 



  ~ Obsessed Or Love ~


The sun had barely risen when you walked into your classroom. Your stomach was in knots from nerves, yet you remained optimistic that maybe, just maybe, today would be different. But then...

"Hey nerd," a voice called out over the chatter.

It was him Toshiro..Toshiro Nakajima. The same old grin greeted you. The same old smirk, so full of joy at your misery. Without even giving you a chance to react, he snatched away your homework, and tore it up into bits.

All too familiar feelings flooded your body.

"Let's see how you do without it," he said, as he tossed the ripped paper away, leaving you speechless and humiliated.

"Can you just leave me alone."

"Aw, what's the matter?" he taunted.

"You're gonna cry?"

As if on cue, his friends joined in on the teasing, doubling down on the mockery, as per usual.

The rage inside you grew, a bitter knot of anger swelling up in your throat. But you remained silent, keeping your emotions in check. At this point, you knew better than to respond.

"That's what I thought, crybaby," he jeered. "You can't even take a joke, nerd." he prodded.

The fury grew inside of you, making it difficult to keep quiet.

The mocking continued, his friends finding endless amusement in your misery.

"Leave her ALONE!" a voice cut through the chatter, echoing throughout the room.

The teasing halted, everyone turning their attention to the source of the declaration.

The voice came from our class president Yuso Deishi the most respected and smart student in our school.

"Heh..and what if I don't?" Toshiro answered mockingly crossing his arm and looking directly towards Yuso

As Toshiro's words hung in the air, the tension grew. Toshiro eyed Yuso defiantly, his cocky attitude clearly unchanged by the other's reprimand. Yuso stared back at him, the fire in his eyes burning hot.

"You need to back off," he warned in a low tone. "Leave her alone."

Toshiro smirked, his confidence undiminished.

"Or what, hotshot?" he challenged back, taking another step forward.

"Or I'll make you," Yuso responded quietly but fiercely.

The whole room seemed to hold its breath, waiting to see what would happen.

Toshiro's eyes narrowed, his cheeks flaring red with anger. The tension was palpable, the air thick with resentment.

Yuso stood his ground, his expression unwavering.

As the confrontation escalated, more students began to take notice.

Rumblings and murmurs filled the classroom, and the mood became even more tense.

As Toshiro brought his fist into the air, Suddenly, the teacher stepped forward, their presence finally breaking the stalemate.

"Enough," they said, their tone stern but measured.

They glanced around the room, their eyes landing on the two boys.

"Toshiro. Yuso. That's enough, both of you, detention now!."

The room fell silent as the teacher delivered their verdict. Toshiro and Yuso traded glares, each unwilling to admit defeat. Toshiro shot a poisonous look in your direction before slinking out of the room, his shoulders hunched. Yuso followed shortly after, his face set in a neutral expression. You felt a rush of relief as the two boys left.

However, you couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. It seemed inevitable that Toshiro would seek revenge for his humiliation...

...and you were right. Later that day, you walked into class to find a note taped to your locker. It was from Toshiro, and it was no apology:

"Watch yourself, nerd. I'm not done with you yet."

You felt a chill run down your spine. Toshiro was up to something...

As Yuso stepped out of the room, he caught sight of you standing alone. He paused for a second, his eyes softening as he noticed your worried expression.

"Are you alright?" he asked gently.

You shrugged, not knowing quite what to say. To your relief, he took the hint and made his exit.

However, as you let out a sigh of relief, you suddenly felt a rough hand grab your arm.

"Hey," you heard Toshiro's voice hiss bitterly, pulling you roughly to the side.

"Didn't think I was done with you, did you?"

He glared at you angrily, his grip tightening on your arm. You tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go. His gaze bored into you like a predator about to pounce on its prey.

You could feel a wave of fear rise in your throat, but you tried to remain calm. You knew you couldn't afford to show weakness in front of Toshiro. So you tried to keep your composure and stare him down.

However, Toshiro's grip only tightened, his expression growing more furious with every second. Suddenly, he pulled you even closer, his mouth hovering just inches from your face.

"Don't you go running to that goodie-two-shoes again," Toshiro snarled, his breath hot on your face. "He can't protect you from me, got it?"

He squeezed your arm even tighter, his grip like a vice. You could feel his anger and possessive nature radiating off him.

He was clearly furious with the way Yuso had defended you earlier and wanted to make sure you knew who was in charge.

"No! Why would i listen to you."

"No?" Toshiro scoffed. "As if you have a choice in this matter."

He took a step closer, his breath hot and heavy on your neck. His grip on your arm was tight enough to start hurting now. You tried to pull away again, but he was too strong.

"Yuso might be able to protect you in class, but I'm sure he's not going to come running to save you outside of school"

Toshiro held you even tighter, leaning into your personal space. He was clearly using his presence and physique to intimidate you.

"Don't think I'm afraid of that goody-two-shoes either. If you don't listen to me, I'll show you what happens when you mess with me...And trust Me, you don't want to find out."

You were caught off guard by Toshiro's aggressive attitude and hadn't noticed Shoji Hayato as he walked into the hallway. However, he seemed to have noticed the conflict, as he stopped in his tracks and looked over at the two of you with a look of concern on his face. He seemed to recognize the tension and body language between you and Toshiro.

"What's going on here?" Shoji asked, his voice calm but firm.

"We're just having a little disagreement. Nothing that needs any intervention."

"You're hurting her arm," Shoji said, his tone still calm but serious. "Let her go." Shoji added

"This doesn't involve you," Toshiro snapped, his tone growing sharper.

"Back off before you force me to do  something we'll both regret."

Shoji's expression hardened, and he looked like he was ready to step in if necessary.

"I think we both know who would regret it more."

"Shoji, it's fine," you tried to speak calmly, but your voice was trembling slightly. "Toshiro's just upset."

Shoji's expression softened, and he stepped back a little bit. However, he kept his eyes on Toshiro, making it clear he was still watching the situation closely.

"See?" Toshiro smirked. "There's no problem here. Now if you'll excuse us."

As soon as Shoji backed off, Toshiro immediately grabbed your waist, bringing you even closer to him.

He glared at Shoji, as if daring him to intervene again. You found yourself pressed up against him, and your body automatically flinched at the sudden touch.

You could feel Toshiro's eyes traveling up and down your body, assessing you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable.

He leaned in even close, a smug expression on his face as he whispered into your ear.

"Don't think I've forgotten about our little disagreement."

As Toshiro's grip on your waist tightened, a wave of fear washed over you.

You felt completely powerless as you were caught in a tight hold.

Shoji's expression hardened as he saw the scene in front of him, and he began to step forward again. However, as soon as he moved towards you both, Toshiro tightened his grip even more.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he growled.

Shoji froze for a moment, seemingly torn between defending you and avoiding a physical confrontation with Toshiro. For a moment, you could see the conflict playing out on his face. Finally, he seems to decide that avoiding a violent conflict was the better choice. He let out a deep breath, his expression softening again as he backed away and left.

The moment Shoji was out of the picture,

Toshiro seemed to loosen his grip on you, but still held onto your waist.

He pulled you even closer, his eyes traveling over your body once again.

You could feel his breath hot on your neck, and his presence was overbearing and intimidating.

Your heart was pounding in your chest as Toshiro pulled your hair, his grip tightening with every second.

His breath was hot on your neck, and his eyes seemed to be probing every inch of your body.

Toshiro was clearly obsessed with the thought of owning you.

He seemed to believe he had the right to hurt, protect, and possess you.

You felt completely powerless in his grasp, and the more he tugged your hair, the more helpless you felt.

"You're mine," he whispered in your ear, his grip tightening even more.

"No, I'm not yours," you snapped back, your voice trembling with anger and fear.

"I'm not your property, and you can't just treat me like something you own."

Toshiro's grip tightened even more, his expression darkening even more.

"You'll do whatever I say," he growled, digging his fingernails into your hair even harder. "I'm the one in charge here, not you."

"Let me go," you shouted, your voice breaking as the pain intensified. You were afraid of what Toshiro might do if he continued to pull your hair like this.

Toshiro just smirked, his expression darkening even more as he tightened the grip on your hair even more.

"No," he said simply, as if that was an answer to everything. You could feel your breathing becoming constricted, and a deep sense of despair settled over you.

"I can do whatever I want with you, and you can't tell me no," Toshiro growled, digging his fingernails even harder into your hair. The pain was almost too much to handle, and you could feel tears of agony running down your face.

Toshiro's smirk widened as he saw your reaction, and he leaned in even closer.

"What are you going to do? Scream? Cry? No one will hear you here, so no one will do anything to stop me," he said, his tone mocking and cruel.

"I said! let me go!" you shouted, struggling against his grip. But Toshiro was much stronger than you were, and your voice only seemed to annoy and excite him more. He simply jerked you harder, the force pulling you off your feet and dragging you behind him.

He continued to drag you, pulling you into a quiet corner. To your horror, you felt the back wall close in on you as he pushed you against it.

He leaned his body weight against you, pinning you to the wall as he grinned down at you.

"Don't you get it?" he whispered in a predatory tone.

"You're mine now, and I get to do whatever I want with you. You can scream until you're blue in the face, but no one is coming to help you. You're all mine--and I'll enjoy every second of it, this is pay back for what you did."

You couldn't help yourself. Your body moved on pure instinct, the pain of Toshiro's treatment pushing you beyond your limits.

You slapped his face with as much force as you could muster.

Toshiro's expression immediately changed from one of smug satisfaction to sheer rage.

His jaw clenched, and his fists clenched at his sides.

"Did you just slap me?" he hissed, his words dripping with anger.

Toshiro's eyes snapped with rage as he watched you stand your ground.

He took a step towards you and slammed his fist into your face, sending you reeling with pain.

"Try me again," he roared, his voice filled with fury.

Your vision blurred, but you stood your ground, still defiant, still determined.

You weren't afraid of Toshiro's anger or his strength--you had nothing left to lose.

Toshiro roared again, his anger boiling over, and he slammed his fist into your face again, this time even harder than before.

You felt the pain of Toshiro's punch all thru your body, and you could feel the hot blood spilling from your nose and mouth.

You were dizzy and disoriented

As you struggled to stay on your feet

Toshiro took advantage of your helplessness and slammed his fist into your ribs.

You felt the pain of his blow as if you were being stabbed, and the force of the hit knocked the wind out of you.

You doubled over in pain, gasping for breath, your body throbbing with pain.

Your mind felt blurry and confused, and you struggled to stay conscious.

Toshiro didn't ease up his attack, pounding you again and again, his fist landing blow after blow as if you were an inanimate object, an object he could break with his anger and rage.

As Toshiro's attack continued, suddenly someone grabbed onto his arm, pulling it away with unexpected strength.

"Enough!" a voice shouted. You glanced up through hazy eyes to see who it was, and as reality started to come back into focus, you recognized the person who had stopped Toshiro's attack.

To be continued..