
"It's much better when Zanthiel isn't awake; if he is, he'll just bother me constantly." Thinking this and nodding her head, Juliana looked over the table and saw that there were sheets of A4 paper, pencils, rulers, and rubbers too. She put back on her headphones, gathered the paper, pencil, and rubber on the table that she wanted, and began sketching. "I wonder what I should draw," she thought. She looked over the rusty metallic interior of the train and sketched it instantly. She began smiling to herself. "It looks like any old train, but it truly is mysterious. She meticulously outlined the pipes, the dents, and even the people in it, including the slumped Zanthiel. It was truly a festival of beautiful detail for the eyes. When she thought she was finally at peace again, she felt tapping on her shoulder. She looked Zanthiel in the eyes with a look that said, "Keep messing with me, and I'll knock you out for good this time." Shanice was almost done making her rounds when that same little boy that Shanice saved ran up to Zanthiel and said, "Oh, so your finally awake, mister!" Baffled, Zanthiel said, "Mister!" and "I'm only fifteen!". "So, aren't you going to say thank-you?" asked the little boy. "To who?" replied Zanthiel, "the doctor; of course, she saved you!" Zanthiel then wore a rather pensive expression and said, "Why did she save me?". Not understanding his dismissive attitude, the boy beckoned to Shanice to come over. Shanice wrapped the burn of one patient and then headed to the boy's side. "You're finally awake," she said. "He has something very important to say," said the boy. Expecting Zanthiel to say thank you, they both stayed silent and watched him. He started getting uncomfortable. Zanthiel was so silent and upright that it seemed as if they were talking to a cold, hard, lonely wall. The boy broke the silence and erupted in anger. "So you're telling me after this benevolent doctor saves you and treats your wounds, you can't say thank-you; maybe she should've left you." Cutting his sentence short, the doctor gently touched the boy's shoulder and said, "It's ok, Ray; knowing he's safe and alright is enough for me." She then looked at the floor with a dismal countenance and said, "I I just wish I could've saved them all." "Doctor Shanice, don't beat yourself up about it; you saved me and... him! and many more, you did all you could." Feeling better, she gracefully smiled at Ray and rubbed his head. She then returned to her work, the boy following behind her. Eavesdropping slightly on the situation, Juliana finished her sketch and took off her headphones. "Are you really going to leave it at that?" she said. Zanthiel clenched his hands and bit his lip. "Show some gratitude and apologise, Zanthiel; it's the least you could do.".

Zanthiel snapped and said, "And what's it to you, huh? You weren't even in the conversation." "You're right, why do I care? I was just trying to help," she replied as she put her headphones back on and began shading in her sketch. Looking pensive once again, Zanthiel thought, "The boys are right; she should have just left me there; I didn't deserve her kindness." Over on the opposite bench, Johnny was still flirting with Kayla. Then, in an attempt to rescue himself and her, he started hammering the window, but no matter what he did, the pitch-black window wouldn't scratch or crack. His hand just bounced off, "One way or another, me and you are breaking out of here, babe!" and "Eww, no dude, I'm not you, babe, and besides, we were on a moving train. You break dat window. Whatever happens, it's ya fault, ok." Finally relieving Kayla of her pain, Blake got up and started pulling Johnny away from the window. "I think that's enough for today, buddy." "BUT ME AND MY BABE WERE GONNA ESCAPE!" "Sorry about him," said Black as he was pulling him away. "It's fine, dude; dorks like him hit on me all the time." Blake smiled embarrassed and pulled him back to the seat they were sitting in. "So remind me, why am I your friend Johnny?" and "to help me get as many girls as possible?" Blake clapped his forehead and then said with a demonic expression, "to keep you out of trouble, idiot." "Ok, listen to this," said Blake as he leaned in and whispered something into Johnny's ear. Johnny nodded. "But why so discreet?" he asked. "Because I want it to be between us; if someone hears us discussing it, it could cause an uproar," answered Blake. The room was still quite lowkey considering what happened, and everyone seemed unsettled and all over the place; they were like grasshoppers, hopping from place to place, not knowing how to relax. "Everyone, listen up!" called out Blake. No one turned their heads but carried on pacing. "LISTEN UP!" bellowed Johnny. Then everyone turned their heads. They questioned them both, complaining how they were just trying to relax and that they couldn't take this anymore.

"I know how you feel, everyone. I hate this train, and I simply just want to go home as well. But I'm afraid that's impossible. The glass is made of some high-tempered metal-infused material, and when you hit it hard enough, your hand bounces off. I'm sure some of you have tested this already, but even if we were to break it, jumping out wouldn't be smart; you could get seriously injured or even die. My estimate is that the train is moving at about one hundred and ten miles per hour, and everyone's eyes and mouths grew wide as they gasped. Of course, it's not accurate, but it could be true based on the mass and density of this train." "But what about a door leading out of one carriage? "That seems unlikely; why would someone locking us up in a train want us to leave? Surely they'll try to bar every exit possible, and if that were the case, we would have seen a map of the interior of the train by now. Which they are intentionally hiding. "So why are you telling us all this and what's your point?" asked someone. "Isn't it obvious that if we want to escape, we should work together, therefore we would need someone to lead us?" Many people in the carriage nodded in agreement. "So, Mr. Glasses guy, how are we going to decide whose leader?" asked the little girl with blonde piggy tales, blue eyes, manufacturers goggles, and engineer overalls.

"Hmm, good question... How about a majority vote?" everyone once again nodded in agreement. "But first, we should have some nominees. The nominees will come to the front and present their case on why they should be the leader. I'll give everyone about five minutes to decide." Johnny and Blake looked at each other and smirked. "See how it worked out; now they are more inclined to pick me", stated Blake, "but that doesn't mean I will not nominate myself too; after all, being the leader will mean all the girls relying on me, 'leader, you're so handsome', they'll squeal, 'leader, help me", they'll scream, ohh yeahh", fantasised Johnny, "the only thing that will pick you is thin air, even that probably won't pick you". Kayla prepped herself up. "Listen, girl, ya cute, smart, and most of all funny, you got this." Zanthiel bugged Juliana again. She pulled off her headphones and said, "What!" and "Do it!" He said, "No, why?" "because if you're the leader, I will forever be safe and feel safe. After all, you still have to pay me back for the coin." "Don't coerce me, and beside, I wasn't giving you back the coin enough," she replied as she placed her headphones back on. "Um, no," he muttered under his breath. People around Shanice suggested she become the leader. "You do it, Shanice, your very kind and trustworthy," "don't forget she's helpful; she helped us on that death game," "and healed are wounds," they all said. Ray looked up at her and said, "You can do it, Doctor Shanice; just like you saved me, you can save much more people." She smiled at Ray, looked at all of them, and said, "I'll try my best!". With that, the five minutes were up. "All those who will nominate, raise your hand," said Blake. All those people raised their hands. "Okay, before we start, you must go to the front and tell us all why you would be a good fit. Regarding the rules, you will be nominated if everyone votes for you; if even one person isn't, you don't get the role; the presentation should not be longer than two minutes. Is that clear?". The nominees nodded. "So who would like to go first?" asked Blake. "Me, me!" responded Kayla, and so Kayla stepped to the front and gave her speech, "Heyo Its K-Koola in da house, you know me right?", she rambled on and on about herself and how great she was; it seemed egotistical. "So I'm like one of the best singers and dancers to ever grace this earth yo," "Pizza is hands down the best breakfast, lunch, and dinner yu get me," "I love orange; look, I'm wearing it right now." By the time she had finished, half the listeners were asleep. "I'm done, you can choose me now," she said, looking around confused as no one was paying attention. "Everyone?" she said. Blake yawned and said, "Oh, so your finally finished?" "Why is no one voting?" infuriated Blake said, "I said two minutes, not ten!" embarrassed Kayla said, "Oh, did you now, whoops?" She covered her face and scurried back to her seat.

Next Johnny got up and gave his case, "Hey you beautiful little honeybees, your prince is here to save you from this hellhole; I've got muscle, I've got charm, and I've got spirit. When I'm leader, I'll let all the guys suffer and put all my priorities on you flowery little minxes; you won't need another man in your life; ride my wave like you ride a surfboard; we will cruise our way to paradise; you and me, baby. Woo yeahhh!" proved to be anticlimactic, as it really was air that voted for him; the girls wore disgusted expressions, and the boys just laughed at him unceremoniously. "Maybe I should focus on getting back at the bitch first," he said as he walked his way back to his seat. Shanice was next as she walked to the front and gave a very thoughtful and detailed case: "If we all work together and put our trust in each other, we will escape this train. I assure you, if you are injured, I will be there in a minute. If you are in danger, I will be there in a second. I will all help you find happiness in these trying times. Forgive me for forcing my ideals upon you. Pick me if you see it. There were sudden cheers and claps from the passengers as all of them, well, almost all of them, raised there in a second. I will all help you find happiness in these trying times. Blake was about to give Shanice the green light when he realised both the white-haired boy and another person still had their hands down. "Well, that's unfortunate, Shanice. I was rooting for you, but it seems two people didn't approve of you being the leader." Shanice bowed gracefully and said, "Thanks for your attention, everyone!" She walked back to her seat and sat down. "Well, this has gone all according to plan so far!" thought Blake. At that moment, the monitor next to the blackened door dinged and lit up green. The smoke and blackened crust from the opposite room followed; it was so thick and smelly that everyone hacked and coughed. Then, what sounded like biscuit crumbs dropped and flaked on the floor. Emerging from behind the door was none other than the priest, but half of his garbs burned off, like half of his face and body. He was half zombie, half man.

"Divine god, you have seen it fit to save you from the depths of hell." "Is this not enough to crown me leader and join the church? You sinners never believed me, yet here I am..." said the priest in a raspy, sunken voice. He then coughed violently, blood shooting like bullets from his mouth. At that instant, people such as Kayla fainted from shock; some instantly felt queasy to the point of throwing up, such as Juliana; and some helped, such as Shanice. "Oh my god, you are in terrible shape, sir. It doesn't matter about that; let's get you patched up right now. Your god may have saved you once, but we can't be sure he'll save you with injuries like these," said Shanice as she reluctantly lifted the crawling priest from the floor. "Sinners!" he croaked. So the final nominee went up, and none other than the one who suggested the idea himself, "Good evening, everyone. You may call me Blake. I am eighteen years old and was studying mechanical engineering at university before being kidnapped. He then named all his bad traits before getting into the good ones: "Yes, I am a Peever; I am quite weak, and I am not very brave, but what I lack in strength I can give in motivation and strategy," and soon his rendition ended. Everyone clapped and raised their hands. All but one person, Blake, was about to declare his victory when everyone turned their attention to the white-haired boy. "You!" shouted Blake. "What is this kid's problem? He hasn't voted for a single person. I have almost all the good traits for a leader, so why again does he not raise his hand?" "Hey, you haven't voted for anyone; why is that!?" asked Blake. "It's boring that way," responded the boy. "Bake regained his composure and said, "Well, it doesn't matter; one less person doesn't hinder the majority!" He walked off the stage when the white-haired boy said, "Good thing I didn't pick you; a leader shouldn't go back on their word; correct e." If I'm wrong... But you said that everyone has to vote for you when you decide the rules, pathetic, a leader that doesn't follow their own rules". Accepting defeat, Blake said, "Okay, little devil, you got me; you win, I lose, so what do you suppose we do if you're so smart?". The white-haired boy folded his arms and said, "We'll play a game.".