Hauling her feet towards her apartment, Eileen arrives back with unsuccessful results from job hunting. She tried to locate and apply for other jobs but luck is not on her side. With a long record from previous employers firing her because of her moments of being ticked off easily, or it was easier for them to have her leave the job because of her health. There were some employers that did leave off a nice review that Eileen is a hard and reliable worker. The last interviewer from a dollar retail store commented that her previous boss must’ve been one hell of a guy if they allowed her to work in his establishment. Halfway through her walk to home she paused for a moment, Eileen regretted in storming off from Mr. Johnson. The job was shitty, but he was one of the only things that made the job bearable. Mr. Johnson even allowed her to take more breaks for her health reasons. Feeling defeated, Eileen made her way at the mailbox and grabbed her mail. She saw a note left by her landlord. What makes matters worse is that this month’s rent is reaching soon, and Eileen has just enough for groceries and an occasional ice cream from the gas station. As the date crawls near, she tries to evade her landlord. Eileen does not want to hear another earful of being late.
It’s after mass, so Eileen knows that the landlord is here. She made sure that everything she has on her won’t make a sound. The elevator is too obvious and cornered, so Eileen takes the stairs. She does live on the fourth floor. At her own pace, Eileen makes her way to her apartment. Arriving, Eileen attempted to take out the keys from her purse. The bad thing about this is that she lives on the same floor as the landlord, so there is an 80% chance where she might bump into him. Maybe today she can press her luck that today can be the 20% where she does not bump into him. Eileen can taste the freedom on her lips as she unlocks her door.
The gracious landlord was expecting her across the hallway. Eileen can feel a sense of dread behind her spine and jumps a little as the landlord is making his way.
“Here we go,” Eileen whispered between her breath.
"Good evening Ms. Smith, how are you today?" The landlord had his arms crossed in front of him while his right foot was tapping. He was a very impatient fellow.
Eileen cringes at the sound of his tapping. She was not in the mood of talking to him about what she's been worrying about for the past two days.
"Hello Mr. Miller, I am just coming back from… uh… my night classes. I have had a long day. If you do not mind, I would like to get into my room." Eileen gave him a friendly smile.
"I heard from across the hall that you've lost your job with that fellow of yours. You know I can't give you any more leeway. You need to be more responsible even for a girl your age." The old man scowled.
"Don't worry Mr. Miller, I have been applying in many different places as we speak, I will have the money before the end of the month." Eileen opens the door. She was trying to imply to Mr. Miller that she wants to get out of this conversation.
He did read the room.
"Hmmm, say all your excuses, I won’t pry on matters that you don’t want to talk about. I am trying my best to help you out. I don’t like to see you struggle is all. Man, I just don't know why your parents allowed you to live by yourself." Mr. Miller commented.
Eileen didn't want to give him any more worry than he had to. He still doesn't need to know that she does not have any parents, only a brother.
"I'm 20 years old, so I am more of an adult than a kid." Eileen gave a “you don’t need to worry” smile to Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller just sighed. He positioned his hands behind his back and started to walk away.
"I can’t help but worry. You are like a granddaughter to me. Hmmm, If you ever need anything, I am just across the hall. Don’t forget about bingo night!" He waved her goodbye.
“I won’t. Have a good night!” Eileen waved back and gave him a smile.
Eileen felt a little warmth and a sense of reassurance that she has a good landlord. Eileen still remembers vividly how she got here.Eileen has been living in this apartment for two years now. She wanted to get away from her brother, and, at the time, she was 18 years old.
She was ready to have this discussion with her brother. Hollen and Eileen were arguing in the dining room after they finished dinner.
“Hollen, I want to move out.” Eileen picks up the table.
Hollen chokes on his drink. “Are you nuts?”
“I’m 18 now, and I can live off on my own. I’m ready to— ”
“I managed to stabilize your body for the past 9 months, made sure the procedure went smoothly, and now you are telling me you want to move away from me. The only person that can ensure you are ok.” Hollen cuts off Eileen. She saw that he was trying to keep his composure, but you can see through his glasses that his eye is twitching.
“If you are worrying about having more space for yourself, I can give you your own studio in the building. I can accommodate your every need.” Hollen got up from his chair while fixing his suit to look Eileen in the eyes.
Eileen was thinking. Her mind was racing like a million miles.
Through the past six years, EIleen’s health has been slowly declining. She even had multiple respiratory attacks and a seizure. With the recent procedure and devices Hollen created for Eileen, her health has been in the green. Hollen does not know how much Eileen appreciates how Hollen has sacrificed in keeping her healthy and comfortable. All the sleepless nights, the overdue projects, and being her 24 hour caretaker at times. They don’t need to worry about the medical bills or implants because Hollen earns buckets full of money and if it doesn’t exist, he can create it. Eileen did not suffer much growing up. She was living off of her brother’s earnings, and he had been her caretaker.
“I can’t allow this Eileen. You are still recovering, and I still need to run some tests— ” Hollen stated.
Eileen slammed the bar from the kitchen.
“I want to have a chance to be myself rather than having all your eyes on me everywhere! Hollen, you keep on hovering, and sometimes I can’t breathe. Whenever I want to go and have fun out there, it’s ‘overly contaminated’. You lock me up in this… this cage. I am so sick of you dominating my life!” Eileen’s heartbeat is starting to rise.
I don’t want to be like you, not living at all like how I will be!”