Chapter 7

Livia sat in front of the television, engrossed in her favorite show. Suddenly, a news report captured her attention. Anger and disgust tightened her jaw.

“Good day, Mr. Welthe! Could it be true? Has the heiress of the Welthe Empire finally been found?” As Richard Welthe gracefully stepped into his luxurious limousine, accompanied by his loyal bodyguards, a curious reporter couldn’t help but ask about the distinguished old man’s presence.

Despite the bodyguards’ efforts to ward off the barrage of unexpected questions from the reporters, they find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of journalists present.

Richard Welthe is a name that is hard to miss, especially when he is on a desperate search to find his beloved child. The reward he offers for any information is nothing short of substantial.

Richard Welthe, with a cold expression adorning his face, remained silent, refusing to entertain any inquiries from the persistent reporters. The man stepped into his car, and as if by magic, another man appeared, ready to take on the task of answering the reporters’ questions. Livia believed that the person in question was the secretary.

“As many of you are aware, Mr. Welthe is currently in search of his missing child. She has been located, and her identity will be revealed to the world next Saturday. Mr. Welthe is getting ready for a grand celebration to warmly greet his heiress.” The secretary, in addition to responding to the reporters, also took the opportunity to inform them about the upcoming party.

Livia’s eyes grew wider. She is aware of the person’s identity, but she strongly disagrees with it. The woman continues to alternate between facing backward and facing forward.

“What to do?” Muttering softly, she nervously nibbled on her nails. “D*mn, how can I talk to Mr. Welthe?” Once more, she uttered her words in a low, indistinct manner.

“I needed to talk to him, or else Letty will use him and I’ll be that woman’s slave again!” She spoke.

Livia’s heart raced with panic as she anticipated the impending announcement. Deep down, she knew that the person they were about to reveal was none other than Letty. That woman is a master manipulator and a cunning liar! Livia refuses to remain seated as the approaching day draws near.

She needs to get moving, or else everything she did throughout those days will be for naught. In order for Livia to regain control of the situation, it is imperative that she eliminate Letty’s source of power.

Taking the cellphone in hand, she wasted no time dialing the number of the human resources manager. Her purpose was clear: to request a week’s leave.

“Yes, I’m going to do something very important and very personal. I shall return in a week’s time. There’s no need to worry,” she reassured HR.

Following the phone call, there was no need for her to waste any more time idly contemplating the situation.

Should Letty acquire power, it is highly unlikely that Livia would be able to disrupt her and George.

“Calm down, girl!” Despite her own encouragement, she finds herself unable to ignore the rapid and resounding thumping of her heart, which echoes loudly in her ears.

As she efficiently bathed and dried herself, she resembled a skilled magician who effortlessly dressed and promptly departed, carrying essential items for her business.

On Sundays, it is generally expected that people take a break from their work. However, it appears that Livia is putting in extra hours today, going above and beyond the usual expectations.

She moved swiftly, her mind consumed by unease, unable to comprehend the possibility of others stealing away her existence right before her very eyes.

Despite the uncertainty of Mr. Welthe’s willingness to meet her, Livia took a chance and dedicated her time and energy without any opportunity for respite.

Livia was well aware that entering the exclusive subdivision for elites, like Mr. Welthe, was not something she could easily accomplish. Nevertheless, she was determined to find a way. “Oh, God, please, help me once more,” she whispered to her inner musings, seeking guidance from the divine being who had bestowed upon her another opportunity to rectify her mistakes.

As Livia’s car drew nearer to the subdivision, her heart rate increased once more. She sweats profusely as a result of her anxiety that Mr. Welthe might doubt her or that she won’t be able to speak with him directly.

As she journeyed to the residence of Mr. Welthe, doubt filled her heart. Livia’s sole purpose in that place is to uphold the truth and safeguard the billionaire from being manipulated for nefarious purposes.

In her previous life, she discovered the truth that had eluded her for so long. However, she lacked the courage to rectify the situation earlier, as Letty had cunningly deceived her. The woman shed tears in front of her, pleading desperately for her silence as their friendship hung in the balance.

Livia, in her foolishness, placed her trust in Letty without considering the possibility of betrayal. As a consequence, it is she who experiences loss while Letty finds happiness.

She drove an hour from her flat. Livia initially found it difficult to approach the gate of the subdivision due to the stringent security measures in place.

The woman pondered various strategies for gaining entry without arousing suspicion. “D*mn, this is harder than I thought,” she said as she noticed the visits and was being questioned one by one. In addition, the guards are requesting identification cards and reaching out to the household for verification.

She gently nibbled on her lower lip, a subtle gesture betraying her apprehension. Deep down, she understood the unfortunate reality that gaining entry might prove elusive, for she lacked a personal acquaintance with the esteemed Mr. Welthe.

Perhaps she was employed within one of his numerous companies, yet the billionaire remained oblivious to her existence as well as her role within the organization.

Livia finds herself with no other option but to approach the gate, as not doing so would surely raise suspicion. She approached the gate and guard house, driving the car at a leisurely pace. As the car comes to a halt, she prepares herself for what’s to come.

The woman searched her mind for any justification to address those guards.

“Good day, ma’am. Could you kindly exit the vehicle, please?” Two of them requested.

With a smile, Livia reached for her purse. As she stood before them, they politely requested her identification card, which they carefully examined, along with a lingering gaze upon her.

“May I inquire about the purpose of your visit, ma’am? Which house are you planning to visit?” Once more, they asked with the utmost professionalism.

“I must speak with Mr. Welthe,” she stated without any hesitation or restraint. In order to gain entry, Livia found it necessary to embrace honesty.

The guards exchanged glances. “May I inquire if you have an appointment, ma’am? Is Mr. Welthe anticipating your arrival?” Once more, a succession of questions presents itself.

Livia let out a deep sigh. With a gentle motion, she moved her head from side to side.

“Could you, however, ask their household? Tell them that the chief financial officer of the Welthe Insurance subsidiary, Livia Lumiere Carlos, is present. Please, I wanted to tell Mr. Welthe to say something important,” she said earnestly.

Livia’s gaze fell upon the guard, who was engaged in a phone call. Livia’s hope for today dissipates when she witnesses the shaking of her head.

“Apologies, ma’am, but Mr. Welthe is not anticipating your arrival. We regret to inform you that entry into the subdivision is not permitted due to our rules and regulations,” the guard explained, leaving Livia speechless.

Thoughts inundated her mind, while a surge of emotions overwhelmed her heart. Once more, her gaze fell upon them.

“Please, just once, let me in and speak with Mr. Welthe. It is quite urgent. I am not a bad person, and I will not do anything bad inside,” she reasoned and pleaded.

The guards are diligently carrying out their professional duties. “I apologize, ma’am. We simply cannot,” replied the other guard. Livia comprehends their emotions, causing her shoulder to droop. Today, she found herself bereft of hope and luck, leaving her feeling disheartened and disappointed in her own abilities.

Livia came to the realization that, without wealth and influence, her ability to take action was severely limited.

Just as she was on the verge of turning back, a voice she recognized well broke the silence. The sight of the person before her caused her jaw to drop.

“Let her in. She’s with me.”