Hottest CEO

Maxwell Rohan was having a drink at O'Toole's bar and thinking of the mess that his half-sister had gotten herself into. She had called his line when he was busy and had dropped a panicked voicemail. The main thing he had been able to get from her ramblings was drugs, arrest, and "I don't want to go to jail.".

The girl had always been whiny, so it had not been a surprise for Max to hear the thread of desperation in her tone. Maxwell knew it must be serious this time if she had willingly called him; the last thing he heard from her after he helped her with her mother's burial years ago was, "I don't need you or your help.". But then short-term memory seemed to be quite convenient for her mother when she wanted it to be. He could see that the girl had inherited that from her too.

Maxwell had tarried long enough before going over. He could almost feel his father looking down at him with a disapproving look as he clucked his tongue.