Midnight-Eyed Stranger

Reyona saw the waiter coming from the back and whooshed out a breath of relief. She beckoned to him and asked for her bill.

"Don't worry, put it on my tab," Maxwell told the waiter.

"No, I would not..." Reyona started to protest, but the waiter had already moved on to the people calling him at another table. "Do not expect a thank you from me," she said and turned to leave.

Hold… shit," Maxwell muttered as he realised that she was leaving already and had no intention to slow down. He looked at his watch at 8:55 p.m. and stood up to follow her out.

She was headed towards a Phytonic Blue BMW X3, and Maxwell confirmed that he had not been wrong early. The woman sure had class. Well, he did not care about that. He just knew that if he let her go like that, he would blame himself.

She whirled back a few distances from her car. "What is this? Is this how people address one another in bars these days?" she asked with a raised brow.