Debt To Pay

Reyona finally understood why her parents could remain friends despite everything. Their spouses knew each other. Whenever Carlisle and Maureen travel to Copenhagen, where Gladys and Reyona’s stepfather, George, lived with their twins, they always stay in one of their homes. Vice-versa. She had never understood them. How was it possible to let go of the past to that extent?

Looking at her dubious husband, who seemed to be looking for a way to bring up whatever was on his mind at the moment,. Reyona knew that there would be no friendship left when she and Thomas departed.

Hearing her father’s theory about love that afternoon gave her another thing to mull over. Was she in love with Thomas, or did she merely love him? Had he ever felt anything for her at all?

Reyona set her phone aside. She could check her messages tomorrow. She doubted that she would even be able to understand anything right now anyway.