Damage Control

Reyona had been antsy since she got back to the office. The CEO of Multilinks had been just as the tabloids had described him. Retro, urbane, and... very unusual.

The man had been in shorts, a biker shirt, and sneakers. He had a stud in his ear for God’s sake. And a headset around his neck, to boot.

Throughout their meeting, he sat astride his chair instead of in it, as any self-respecting CEO would do. If Reyona had not listened to him, she was sure that she might have dismissed him for a loafer who was merely holding the position because it had been in their family for ages.

All it took her was to listen to the man for about two minutes, and she was certain that Andrew Jordan could be blamed for a lot of things, but a lack of intelligence could never be part of those things.

He was astute and direct. He was clear about what he wanted, and she was sure that he wouldn’t do anything because he was pressured by the board or cajoled by anyone.