Respectable Burglar

“You should have seen her face, Drew. It was priceless!"

Celia Jordan, the wife of Andrew Jordan, said with glee as she waddled slightly before dropping heavily into the wicker chair that her husband held for her.

Andrew shook his head in exasperation as he quickly set a footstool before her and slowly helped her rest her leg on it.

Celia rolled her eyes above his head and grinned at the man who was staring at the two of them with a smile.

“See what I have to deal with, Maxie. He worries too much,” Celia said.

Then she sighed dramatically as she rested her back against the chair, piled with soft cushions. “Poor me. I can’t even have any excitement anymore.”

She looked down at her huge belly and said, “Hey you, do fast and come out before your father coddles me to death.”

"Celia,” Andrew called softly as he bent down before her.