Highly Disappointed

Reyona woke up to an incessant ringing tone.

She looked around blearily, and it took her a moment to realise that her phone was not beside her on the king-size bed.

She groaned out loud as she raised herself up, but her head protested.

"Uggh,” she groaned as she saw the wine bottle and half-finished glass of wine on the bedside.

The phone rang again, and she was tempted to just smother herself with the colourful pillows strewn all around her, and get it done and over with.

“Leave me alone,” she muttered with a groan.

Then she realised that the sound was not entirely coming from the phone that was on the pink rattan accent chair on the other side of the room.

Some of the ruckus was coming from the TV she had on.

She looked at the box of candied nuts beside the bed and shook her head.

An action she regretted immediately as she grabbed her head

“So much for cooking up a storm,” she thought to herself.