Stick In The Mud

Dread dawned on Thomas as he watched Reyona leave.

What the hell was that about? He wondered.

That stick in the mud had never dared to speak to him like that before.

She had always been respectful to him and drearily proper.

It was one other reason why she was such a contrast to Susan.

Susan was the spicy, sassy, all-fun love of his life, while Reyona was just Reyona.

She was their goldmine.

The cool and collected CEO with the right words and actions.

The woman who just spoke with him a few minutes ago was someone else entirely.

Well, it had been his wife, alright.

But it was as if she had been possessed by someone else.

Before his anger rose at that, the thought that brought dread into him rose again.

Did she know?

Did she find out everything?

She must have gone to check on him at the center and gym, only to find out that it had been sold.

But how is that possible?